shots. That indicated the shots most probably came from the doorway,

which with a burglary you’d expect the other way around if the perp was

caught in the act.

However, there was another piece of evidence that would pretty much

confirm which way the slugs had traveled.

Frank again kneeled next to the body. There were no drag marks across

the carpet and the bloodstains and spray patterns indicated the deceased

was shot at the spot she had fallen. Frank carefully turned to the body,

again lifting up the skirt. Postmortem, blood settles to the lowest

portions of the body, a condition called livor mortis. After four to six

hours, the livor mortis remains fixed in position. Consequently,

movement of the body does not lead to a change in distribution of blood.

Frank laid the body back down. All indications were strong that

Christine Sullivan had died right here.

The spray patterns also reinforced the conclusion that the deceased was

probably facing toward the bed when she met her end. If so, what the

hell had she been looking at? Normally a person about to be shot would

look in the direction of the assailant, pleading for their life.

Christine Sullivan would have begged, Frank was certain of that. The

detective looked at the opulent surroundings. She had a lot to live for.

He eyed the carpet carefully, his face barely inches from its surface.

The spray patterns were irregularly distributed as though something had

been lying in front of or to the side of the deceased. That could prove

to be important later on.

Much had been written about spray patterns. Frank respected their

usefulness, but tried not to read too much into them.

But if something had partially shielded the carpet from the blood, he

would want to know what that something was.

Also the absence of spotting on her dress puzzled him. He would

catalogue that one away; it might mean something too.

Simon opened her rape kit and with Frank’s assistance swabbed the

deceased’s vagina. Next they combed through both the hair on her head

and her pubic hair with nothing readily apparent in the way of foreign

substances. Next they bagged the victim’s clothing.

Frank looked over the body minutely. He glanced at Simon. She read his


“There’s not going to be any, Seth.”

“Indulge me, Laurie.”

Simon dutifully lugged her print kit over and applied powder to the

corpse’s wrists, breasts, neck and inside upper arms. After a few

seconds she looked at Frank and slowly shook her head. She bagged what

they did find.

He watched as the body was wrapped in a white sheet, deposited in a body

pouch and taken outside where a silent ambulance would transport

Christine Sullivan to a place everyone prayed they would never have to


He next viewed the vault, noted the chair and remote. Dust patterns on

the floor of the vault had been disturbed. Simon had already covered the

area. There was a smudge of dust on the chair seat. The vault had been

forced though; the door and wall were heavily marked where the lock had

been broken. They would cut out the levered piece of evidence, see if

they could get a tool print. Frank looked back through the vault door

and shook his head. One-way mirror. That was real nice. In the bedroom

too. He couldn’t wait to meet the man of the house.

He-went back into the room, looked down at the picture on the

nightstand. He looked over at Simon.

“I’ve already got it, Seth,” she said. He nodded and picked up the

picture. Nice-looking woman, he thought to himself, real nice-looking in

a come-fuck-me kind of way.

The photo had been taken in this very room, the recently departed seated

in the chair next to the bed. Then he noticed the mark on the wall. The

place had real plaster walls instead of the usual drywall, but the mark

was still deep.

Frank noted the nightstand had been moved slightly; the thick carpet

betrayed its original position. He turned to Magruder.

“Looks like somebody slammed into this.”

“Probably during the struggle.


“Find the slug yet?”

“One’s still in her, Seth.”

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Categories: Baldacci David