leads the police can develop from the photo might make for some very

uncomfortable questions.”

“Something like that. Remember, it’s the allegations that can kill you.

You’re up for reelection. He probably sees that as an ace for him. Bad

press can be just as deadly to you right now.”

The President pondered for a moment. Nothing, no one would interfere

with his reelection. “Buying him off is no good, Burton. You know that.

So long as Graham’s around, he’s dangerous.” Richmond looked over at

Russell, who had sat the entire time, hands in her lap, eyes pointed

down. His eyes bored into her. So weak The President sat down at his

desk and started to sift through some papers. He said dismissively, “Do

it, Burton, and do it soon.”


up the phone. His head still ached, but the doctors predicted a full


The phone was answered. “D.C. Executive Inn.”

“Room 233 please.”

“Just a moment.7 The seconds dragged by and Frank started to get


Jack was supposed to be in his room.


“It’s me.”

“So how’s life?”

“Better than yours, I bet.”

“How’s Kate?”

“She’s out on bail. Got ’em to let her go into my custody.”

“I’m sure she’s thrilled.”

“That wasn’t the word I was thinking of. Look, it’s getting close to

shit-or-get-off-the-pot time. Take my advice and run like hell. You’re

wasting valuable time right now.”

“But Kate–2′

“Come on, Jack, they’ve got the testimony of one guy who was trying to

hit her up for an exclusive. His word against hers. Nobody else even saw

you. It’s a slam dunk she’ll beat that charge. A slam dunk. I’ve talked

to the Assistant U.S. Attorney. He’s looking seriously at dropping the

whole case.”

“I don’t know.”

“Goddarnmit, Jack. Kate is gonna come out of this a whole helluva lot

better than you are if you don’t start thinking about your future.

You’ve got to get out of here. That’s not just me talking. That’s her



“I saw her today. We don’t agree on much, but on that we do.

Jack relaxed, then let out a heavy sigh. “Okay, so where do I go and how

do I get there?”

“I get off duty at nine. At ten o’clock I’ll be at your room.

Have your bags packed. I’ll take care of the rest. In the meantime, stay


Frank hung up the phone and took a deep breath. The chances he was

taking. It was better not to think about them.


wouldn’t be running with much. He looked at the TV set in the corner but

there wouldn’t be anything on he cared to watch. Suddenly thirsty, he

pulled some change from his pocket, opened the door to his room and

peered out.

The drink machine was just down the hallway. He plopped on his baseball

cap, donned his Coke-bottle glasses and slipped out. He didn’t hear the

door to the stairwell at the other end of the hallway open. He had also

forgotten to lock his door.

When he slipped back in, it struck him that the light was off. He had

left it on. As his hand hit the switch, the door was slammed shut behind

him and he was thrown onto the bed. As he quickly rolled over and his

eyes adjusted to the light, the two men came into focus. They were not

wearing masks this time, which spoke volumes in itself.

Jack started to lunge forward but twin cannons met him halfway. He sat

back down, scrutinized each of their faces.

“What a coincidence, I’ve already made each of your acquaintance,

separately.” He pointed at Collin. “You tried to blow my head off.” He

swiveled to Burton. “And you tried to blow smoke up my ass. And

succeeded. Burton right? Bill Burton. Always remember names.” He looked

at Collin.

“Didn’t catch yours though.”

Collin looked at Burton, then stared back at Jack. “Secret Service Agent

Tim Collin. You pack a nice little wallop, Jack. Must’ve played some

ball back in school.”

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Categories: Baldacci David