at this too rationally right now. I need someone I can depend on. I need

you, Tim. This is too important. You know that, don’t you? I wouldn’t

ask you if I didn’t think you could handle it.”

He smiled at the compliment, then looked squarely at her.

“Okay, Ms. Russell. Whatever you say.”

As Collin finished packing up, Russell looked at the bloody seven-inch

piece of metal that had come so close to ending her political

aspirations. If the President had been killed, there could have been no

cover-up. An ugly wordcover-up-but often necessary in the world of high


She shivered slightly at the thought of the headlines. “PREsiDENT FOUND



BY PARTY LIADERS.” But that had not happened. Would not happen.

This thing she held in her hand was worth more than a mountain of

weapons-grade plutonium, more than the total oil production of Saudi


With this in her possession, who knew? Perhaps even a Russell-Richmond

ticket? The possibilities were absolutely infinite.

She smiled and put the plastic bag inside her purse.


neck and he almost cried out.

The President ran into the bedroom. He was wide-eyed, but still

half-drunk. The memory of the last few hours had come back like a Boeing

747 landing on his head.

Burton ran up behind him. The President started toward the body; Russell

dropped her purse on the nightstand, and she and Collin met him halfway.

“Goddammit! She’s dead. I killed her. Oh sweet Jesus help me. I killed

her!” He screamed and then cried and then screamed again. He tried to

push through the wall in front of him but was still too weak. Burton

pulled at the President from behind.

Then with convulsive strength, Richmond tore loose and launched himself

across the room and slammed into the wall, rolling into the nightstand.

And finally the President of the United States crumpled to the floor and

curled up like a fetus, whimpering, next to the woman he had intended to

have sex with that night.

Luther watched in disgust. He rubbed at his neck and slowly shook his

head. The incredibility of the entire night’s events was becoming too

much to endure.

The President slowly sat up. Burton looked like Luther felt, but said

nothing. Collin eyed Russell for instructions.

Russell caught the look and smugly accepted this subtle changing of the



“Yes, Alan?”

Luther had seen the way Russell had looked at the letter opener. He also

knew something now that no one else in the room knew.

I “Will it be okay? Make it okay, Gloria. Please. Oh God, Gloria!”

She rested her hand on his shoulder in her most reassuring manner, as

she had done across hundreds of thousands of miles of campaign dust.

“Everything’s under control, Alan.

I’ve got everything under control.”

The President was far too intoxicated to catch the meaning, but she

didn’t really care.

Burton touched his radio earpiece, listening intently for a moment. He

turned to Russell.

“We better get the hell out of here. Varney just scoped a patrol car

coming down the road.”

“The alarm…?” Russell looked puzzled.

Burton shook his head. “It’s probably just a rent-a-cop on routine, but

if he sees something.

anything else.

Leaving in a limo in this land of wealth was the best cover they could

have. Russell thanked God for the routine she had developed for using

rented limos without the regular drivers for these little adventures.

The names on all the forms were dummies, the rental fee and deposit paid

in cash, the car picked up and dropped off after hours. There were no

faces associated with the transaction. The car would be sterilized.

That would be a dead end for the police if they ever snagged that line,

which was highly doubtful.

“Let’s go!” Russell was now slightly panicked.

The President was helped up. Russell went out with him.

Collin grabbed the bags. Then stopped cold.

Luther swallowed hard.

Collin turned back, grabbed Russell’s purse off the nightstand and

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Categories: Baldacci David