from and I appreciate the info. But. .

“But you’re not absolutely sure you can trust me, and in any event, you

don’t want to say anything that might prejudice your client?”

“Something like that.”

“Fair enough.”

They paid the bill and left. Driving back the snow started again with

such velocity that the wipers were having a hard time keeping up.

Jack looked over at Frank, who stared straight ahead , lost in thought

or maybe just waiting for Jack to start talking.

“Okay. I’ll take the chance, I don’t have a helluva lot to lose, do I?”

Frank continued to stare straight ahead. “Not that I can see.”

“Let’s assume for the moment that Luther was in the house and saw the

woman murdered.”

Frank looked over at Jack; there was relief in the detective’s features.


“You’ve got to know Luther, know how he thinks, to understand how he

would react to something like that. He’s about as unshakable a person as

I’ve ever met. And I know his record doesn’t indicate it, but he’s about

as trustworthy and dependable as you can get. If I had kids and needed

to leave them with someone I’d leave them with Luther because I know

absolutely nothing bad would happen to them on his watch. He’s

incredibly capable. Luther sees everything. He’s a control freak.”

“Everything except his daughter leading him into a trap.”

“Right, except for that. He wouldn’t have seen that coming. Not in a

million years.”

“But I know the kind of guy you’re talking about, Jack.

Some of the guys I’ve busted, except for the little habit of taking

other people’s property, they’re some of the most honorable people I’ve

ever met.”

“And if Luther saw this woman killed, I’m telling you he would’ve found

some way to deliver the guy to the cops. He wouldn’t have let it go. He

just wouldn’t!” Jack stared grimly out the window.


Jack looked over at him. “Except for a helluva good reason. Like maybe

he knew the person or knew of him.”

“You mean the kind of person people would have a hard time believing

could do something like that so Luther figures why even bother?”

“There’s more to it than that, Seth.” Jack turned the corner and pulled

up next to the YMCA. “I’ve never seen Luther scared before this all

happened. And he’s scared now. Terrified in fact. He’s resigned himself

to take the rap for the whole thing and I don’t know why. I mean he left

the country for godsakes.”

“And came back.”

“Right, which I still cannot figure out. You have the date by the way?”

Frank flipped open his notebook and told him the date.

“So what the hell happened after Christine Sullivan was killed and

before then to get him to come back?”

Frank shook his head. -Could be anything.”

“No, it was one thing and if we could find out what that was, we might

be able to figure this whole thing out.”

Frank put away his notebook, absently rubbed his hand across the


Jack put the car in park and leaned back in his seat.

“And he’s not just scared for himself. Somehow he’s scared for Kate


Frank looked puzzled. “You think somebody threatened Kate?”

Jack shook his head. “No. She would’ve told me. I think someone got the

message to Luther that he either keeps quiet or else.”

“You think the same people who tried to take him out?”

“Maybe. I don’t know.”

Frank made a fist with both hands and looked out the car window. He took

a deep breath and looked back at Jack.

“Look, you’ve got to get Luther to talk. If he can deliver us whoever

did Christine Sullivan, I’ll recommend probation and community service

in return for his cooperation; he won’t do any time. Hell, Sullivan

would -probably let him keep what he stole if we could nail the guy.”


“Let’s put it this way, I’ll cram it down Gorelick’s throat.

Good enough?” Frank extended his hand.

Jack slowly took it, eyeing the policeman steadily. “Good enough.”

Frank got out of the car and then poked his head back in.

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Categories: Baldacci David