Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“We’ll try a new type of defense-repulsion wave,” Tom explained. He turned up the antimeteor repelatron full blast and the repelling force shot out from a mass of tiny radiators which studded the ship’s hull. Tom also aimed two oŁ


his main repelatron radiators toward the enemy craft.

Apparently the Brungarians were not satisfied that Tom was leaving soon enough. They circled off to a distance, then made a pass toward the Challenger and loosed another missile-big enough to blow the ship to bits!

To the enemy’s amazement, the projectile came to a stop a hundred feet from the Challenger, then rebounded and plunged into the crater!

“Oh, brother!” Bud roared. “I can just see those guys’ faces!”



The entire crew rocked with laughter.

Tom grinned as he swiveled the radiators for takeoff. A few seconds later the Challenger was speeding toward the moon’s umbra. As they rounded out of the dazzling sunshine into the area of lunar night, Tom switched on the auxiliary rocket motors, using barely enough power to keep the ship aloft.

“What’s next?” Bud asked.

“We’ll lie low here in the darkness until it’s time to intercept the animal rocket,” Tom explained. “I’m sure our enemy doesn’t have the facilities for keeping aloft very long out of range of solar radiation, so they won’t bother us.”

The Brungarians did not attempt to follow.


Tom, after arranging for various members of the expedition to stand watch, advised the crew to get some sleep. He and a radioman took the first trick.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor