Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“Thanks, Uncle Ned,” Tom said. He deeply valued the older man’s praise, remembering how many thrilling adventures his father and Uncle Ned had shared, and the high achievements they had produced in the days when they had often faced heavy odds.

Mr. Swift was particularly interested in the operation of the element selectors and isotope switches. “Any bugs show up yet, son, in your repelatron system?”

he asked.

“No, Dad. With the new radiators installed, everything seems to be working perfectly,” Tom


replied. “How about trying the controls yourself?”

Mr. Swift took over eagerly. With the practiced hand of an ace pilot, he was soon guiding the ship smoothly through all sorts of maneuvers.

“And now for a surprise,” Tom said, his face breaking into a wide smile.

“Meet Nicky.” He opened a small compartment and took out a rhesus monkey, half asleep.

“Oh, isn’t he cute!” Sandy exclaimed, as everyone gathered around, grinning, to inspect the little animal. The girls were delighted.

“He’s our ship’s new mascot,” Tom explained. “I’m hoping he’ll bring us good luck in the race to the moon. Also, besides being a mascot, his reactions in space may reveal valuable scientific data zoologically.”

“Let me hold him,” Phyl begged.

As Tom started to hand him over, the monkey suddenly came wide awake.

He sprang out of Tom’s grasp and landed on Bud’s shoulder.

“Hey! He likes me!” the copilot cried. But a second later, Bud let out a yelp as the monkey twisted his ear and started to climb over his head.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor