Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

In high good humor over the outcome of the whole incident, Tom ate a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs and drove off to the plant. Here he plunged into work at his desk. Last-minute parts, supplies, and equipment had to be ordered and checked.

“Because of that fake message the Brungarians sent our space friends, we’re going to have to make a number of changes in our plans,” he thought. “But maybe it will be better if they do launch their animal rocket into orbit around the moon.”

The Swifts’ rescue mission and the moon expedition now would be combined into a single project. This meant that many more items would be needed immediately.

“I certainly hope I can get the decks cleared here and concentrate on work in the lab this afternoon,” he told himself.


Toward noon the young inventor called Miss Trent and dictated numerous letters and telegrams. Then he broke off for lunch with Evan Glennon, Dr. Faber, and Jerry Walden. The animal specialists were eager to confer on the serums and vaccines to be taken on the trip.

Tom laughed. “That’s out of my department!” he confessed. “I’ll just eat and listen.”

Lunch over, Tom hurried to his private laboratory, eager to resume his experiments on a brand-new device. It was designed especially for moon exploration.

He had just laid down a rivet gun, after putting together an assembly of metal parts, when he heard the laboratory door open. Tom looked up, then started violently at the sight that met his eyes!

Was he dreaming?

A tiny figure in a green space suit was waddling into the laboratory! Tom felt the hairs at the nape of his neck bristle. Was this a visitor from Mars, or one of his space friends who had finally dared to come to Earth?

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Categories: Appleton, Victor