Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Tom focused the telescope. The moon shone full and clear, making conditions perfect for close study.

“Take a look, Bud,” he said. As Tom moved aside, Bud craned his head to the eyepiece. “Wow! What a sight!”

Every detail of the lunar landscape stood out sharp and clear. The moon’s surface was pocked with huge craters, and bristled with jagged peaks and ranges.

“Seems almost close enough for a landing,” Bud muttered. “Too bad it’s a dead world.”

“Barren maybe,” Tom said, “but we can’t be certain it’s completely dead.”

Bud jerked his head away from the telescope in surprise. “You mean there could be life on the moon?”

“Not the kind we’re used to, chum.”

Bud grimaced. “You had me excited there for a moment.”

“What did you expect?” Tom chuckled. “Remember, the moon has no moisture and practically no atmosphere. What there is-astronomers STRANDED IN SPACE 73

have learned-is less than one-ten-billionth as dense as the air we breathe on earth. And the temperature change alone would kill off all forms of life as we know it on this earth.”

“Too hot or too cold?”

“Both,” Tom replied. “On the parts exposed to direct sunlight, the temperature gets hotter than molten lead. Then, during the moon’s night, it drops to about 250 degrees below zero-as cold as liquid air.”

“Ouch!” Bud groaned. “Think I’ll stay in my nice cozy air-conditioned space suit.”

“We’ll have to if we do any exploring,” Tom told him.

Bud was thoughtful for a moment. “Seriously, Tom, what do you suppose it’ll be like when we land?”

“Rough going, that’s for sure. The surface of the moon is covered with mountains and craters, and littered with shattered rock. Also, the entire area is blanketed by some kind of dust or volcanic ash.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor