Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“It’s been wonderful!” Phyl told him as they landed smoothly at the rocket base.

“Brother dear, I always knew you were a genius,” Sandy added with a hug, “but this proves it!”

Hank Sterling and an excited mob of crewmen rushed out to congratulate Tom as he and the others disembarked. His radio reports had already indicated that the test had proven successful.

“What’s the verdict?” Hank asked the young inventor.

“Even better than I’d hoped,” Tom replied. He described the shakedown flight briefly, and grinned as the men crowded around to slap him on the back and shake hands. Bud, Phyl, and Sandy all beamed with reflected pride at Tom’s latest achievement.

“How about christening your new ship?” Sandy asked as they strolled away from the space craft.

“Tomorrow,” Tom promised. “But the name’s still a secret.”

Early the next morning Mr. and Mrs. Swift flew over to Fearing Island, accompanied by Uncle Ned and Mrs. Newton. A small ceremony RADIO LEAK 97

had been planned. This time, not only Tom, Bud, and the girls went aboard, but also Mr. Swift, Uncle Ned, and Hank Sterling. They took their places and adjusted their seat belts.

“Ready for takeoff!” Tom’s voice on the radio was relayed over the loudspeaker.

The count-down began. Blushing and a trifle nervous, his mother and Mrs.

Newton stepped forward on the special platform which had been erected for the occasion. Each held a bottle wrapped in silver foil.

As the count reached one, Mrs. Swift said clearly, “I christen thee Challenger!” Together the two women swung their bottles against the spaceship’s outer frame. Mrs. Swift’s cracked in half.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor