Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“Come in!” Tom called, without looking up. He heard the door open and close.

“Well, aren’t you even going to say hello?” a girlish voice complained.

Tom whirled in surprise. “Sandy and Phyl!” he exclaimed.

The two girls giggled at his startled expression.

“So you weren’t even expecting us!” Sandra Swift said accusingly. Blond and blue-eyed, Sandy was a year younger than her famous brother.

Her companion, Phyllis Newton, was the pretty daughter of “Uncle Ned”

Newton, Mr. Swift’s stanch friend from boyhood days and now manager of the Swift Construction Company. Phyl, who had long dark hair and laughing brown eyes, was Tom’s favorite date.

“Expecting you?” Tom said uncertainly.

“Good night!” Sandy groaned. “I suppose you’ve forgotten about the party this evening.”

Tom slapped his forehead and grinned apologetically. “I’m sorry. It slipped my mind completely!”


“Talk about absent-minded professors!” Phyl teased.

“And what about Bud?” Sandy went on.

“He made a test flight this morning, Sis. After that, he was due back at Fearing Island.”

Sandy looked disgusted. “Really, Tom,” she lectured him, “somebody ought to give you two a good shaking! Haven’t you ever heard that line about ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?”

“But my name’s not Jack,” Tom protested with a twinkle in his eyes.

“And you’re not such a dull boy-yet.” Phyl smiled. “But if you two don’t learn to relax and have a little fun once in a while-watch out!”

“Okay, I’m warned.” Tom grinned back at the girl.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor