Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Tom nodded. “We’ll intercept it on an elliptical course.” His hands moved over the control panel, flicking switches and punching various buttons as he fed information to the computers.

In split-second time, an electronic brain in the computer room calculated the necessary interception path. A stream of impulses flowed back to the automatic pilot, taking over the steering and locking the ship on course.

Meanwhile, Tom and Bud watched in fascination as the glittering object came closer and closer. The other passengers clustered behind them to stare out through the view panes.

Suddenly Bud gave a gasp as he glanced starboard. “Skipper, look!”

Another ship was racing into view. It was bulb-nosed and funnel-tailed, and emitted a ghostly stream of radiance.

“The Brungarians!” Tom gritted. His jaw clamped stubbornly.

Their own ship was coming out of the night umbra now. As they passed into the blazing sunlight, Tom’s hands flew over the controls. The element selector lights flashed on. The young


inventor watched them tensely, darting a glance now and then at various dials as he fed power to the repelatrons.

The Challenger roared ahead at blazing speed. But the Brungarian ship had seized the lead! The rival space craft was close enough now for Tom and his crew to see that it was circular in shape and pancake-flat on top and bottom, like two saucers pressed together.

“They’re going to beat us to it!” Bud cried frantically, his eyes following the Brungarian ship.

Tom, sick at heart, made no reply. He poured more power to the repelatrons, but realized that his copilot was right. At their present rate, the Brungarians were sure to intercept the rocket with the animals first!

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Categories: Appleton, Victor