Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“This is Billing, skipper,” said the voice at the other end of the line. “I just picked up some more information on that Otto Jantree, who bought the Hammond Jayhawk. He’s a Brungarian!”



TOM was alarmed. Apparently his hunch about the masked pilot had been correct-the fellow had attacked Bud in hopes of stealing the electronic brain!

Such a device would be highly useful to the Brungarians for learning Tom’s secret communications with his space friends.

“Watch your step, skipper,” Billing warned. “If Jantree’s working for a Brungarian spy ring, they’ll stop at nothing to get their way!”

“Right!” Tom agreed grimly. “But we’ll be on guard. And thanks for letting me know.”

Hank noticed Tom’s worried look as he put down the phone. “Bad news?” he asked.

Tom reported the conversation, then said, “I’ll call right now to notify security.”

Harlan Ames, chief of the Swifts’ security department, was amazed to hear the story. “I’m sure there’s no spy in our organization. I believe Jantree x-rayed your cargo in the air, Tom!”



“So that’s how he knew Bud was transporting the brain. I’ll have all our planes given a special protective coat of plastic,” Tom declared grimly.

After issuing several orders, the young inventor returned to his private laboratory. Here he resumed experiments with both the new energy-conversion units of the repelatron and several of his earlier designs. Hours later, he was still busy at his workbench with a jumble of electronic parts and test gear when a knock sounded on the door.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor