Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“I guess so.” Tom chuckled.

The old cowpoke shuddered. “It’s enough to give an hombre ind-ee-jestion jest lookin’ at ‘em! An’ to think Bud claims some o’ my concoctions taste funny!”

Tom burst out laughing. Chow’s penchant for experimenting with strange new dishes was an old


joke at Enterprises. Even now, as he studied the animals a bit longer, a look of interest began to gleam in the cook’s eyes.

“Y’know, mebbe I was jumpin’ to conclusions, Tom,” he murmured thoughtfully. “With the right kind o’ barbecue sauce, them critters might not taste so-”

“Okay, okay, Chow,” Tom interrupted jokingly. “Back to the Challenger before you go getting any bright ideas!”

Twenty-four hours later the three scientists emerged from their long vigil in the space zoo, their faces triumphant.

“You can inform your space friends the animals are responding to treatment,”

Dr. Faber reported with a smile. “They should be ready to go back to their own planet within three days. And we’ll send along a quantity of vaccine.”

Tom wrung their hands gratefully. “You’ve all done wonders!” he congratulated them.

A code message was flashed to the space people who sent back grateful thanks. Exactly three days later the ark suddenly started to move. Soon it was whisking out of sight in the distant space void.

Tom looked after the space saucer enviously. “Guess I have a long way to go,” he sighed, “before I can catch up to my space friends and develop a remote-controlled spaceship.”

Chow consoled him. “Don’t worry, son. You’re still the first earthman to land on the moon.” The cook gazed out longingly at the huge ball of earth, hanging low in the sky. “And I’m sure feelin” earthstruck, jest like I wanted to be. Let’s go back home pronto, Tom!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor