Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

But the Brungarian ship promptly returned a


negative answer. “We will make no bargains. Again you are warned to return to earth or face the consequences!”

Gloomily, the three scientists returned to the flight compartment. Bud read the outcome from their faces.

“No luck, eh?” He turned to Tom, who was sighting intently through the telescope. “Then I say let’s fight ‘em now and get it over with. I’m sure you can outsmart ‘em!”

Tom made no reply for a moment. Finally he faced the assembled group, eyes blazing with excitement.

“Bud, we won’t start hostilities,” he said. “That’s against everything Dad taught me and everything the Swift name stands for in science. But I’m willing to go ahead with our mission if the rest of you men will risk it. How about it?”

There was a loud chorus of “ayes.”

Tom grinned. “Then let’s go!”

His words caught the crew by surprise.

“You mean the rocket’s in sight already?” Bud gasped.

Tom pointed out the pilot’s window. “Take a look!”

Shouts of excitement arose. A tiny glittering speck was coming into view far out in space.

“Brand my six-shooters, what’re we waitin’ for?” Chow whooped. “Let’s saddle up this jet bronc an’ get movin’, buckaroos!”

As all the men rushed to their posts, Tom and Bud buckled themselves into the pilot’s and co-158 THE RACE TO THE MOON

pilot’s seats. Tom took the controls and gunned the rocket motors. Soon they were roaring outward to meet the space visitor!

It grew in size with amazing speed.

“Looks as if she’s going to orbit around the bright side of the moon first,” Bud remarked tensely.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor