Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“Thanks. I’ll phone him right away.” Going into his office, Tom dialed his private wire to the security department. “What’s up, Harlan?” he asked.

“We’ve had another report from Josef Warturo. Important this time.”

“Yes?” Tom prompted.

“Warturo says Jantree got a secret message from the Brungarians yesterday. It stated that


their space expedition is set to take off as soon as our space friends launch their animal rocket!”

Tom was stunned. “That’s bad-very bad,” he said. “Did Warturo find out what they plan to do with the rocket if they intercept it?”

“No word on that. But you can bet they’ll make a big propaganda victory out of it.”

“I’m afraid you’re right, Harlan,” Tom gritted. “Thanks for the warning.”

After hanging up, Tom checked with Art Wiltessa and found that the new repelatron radiators would be ready by noon. “Nice going, Art,” the young inventor said. “Have them stowed aboard a jet as soon as they’re ready. I’ll fly them over to Fearing myself.”

For the next hour or so, Tom busied himself with administrative details, checking lists of supplies and equipment needed for the coming space voyage.

Then he made a phone call to the experimental division of a drug company which maintained laboratories near Shopton. As he hung up, Bud walked into the office.

“Glad you’re here,” Tom said. “Want to try another test flight in the spaceship?”

“Sure thing. How soon?”

“We’ll leave for Fearing right after lunch. Which reminds me, why don’t we take Phyl and Sandy along? Maybe it will give us a chance to get back in their good graces.” Tom chuckled.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor