Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Mr. Swift was waiting in the big double office with Professor Glennon and Dr.

Faber. After giving Jerry a warm handclasp, he introduced him to the other two specialists, then said:

“Tom and I called this meeting because we’ve had another message from our space friends. Last night they informed us that they would send some living animals in a spaceship for us to inspect. The ship will orbit around the earth and moon.”

An excited babble greeted this announcement, and Bud exclaimed, “Hot rockets! Then we’ll have to go and meet it in outer space?”

“Right.” Tom nodded. “If I can get my new spaceship ready in time, the voyage itself should be easy and we could stay as long as we’re needed. But I don’t have to point out the other risks involved-for instance, the chance of becoming infected with the disease ourselves.”

Bud let out a whoop of excitement. The others were equally enthusiastic.

Jerry Walden grinned. “I’ll speak for myself right now. Infection is a danger every medical researcher must face. Wild horses couldn’t keep me from making this trip with you, Tom!”

“Yn bendant! Definitely! I agree entirely!” Professor Glennon boomed, pounding his fist on the table.

“Need I say that you can count me in, too,” Dr. Faber added firmly.

Tom and his father exchanged pleased smiles. “We appreciate your co-operation,” Mr. Swift


told them. “This project may lead to new discoveries in animal medicine that will be helpful right here on earth!”

Evan Glennon stoked his pipe vigorously. “Get busy on that new spaceship, Tom lad. This is an opportunity I don’t want to miss!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor