Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon


Tom grinned and called back to the Challenger, ordering the radio operator to follow his directions. “Better write ‘em down,” he added, then proceeded to explain the exact frequence and modulation of the signals.

“Roger … Wilco,” the operator replied.

The boys stepped back and waited while the radio impulses were beamed toward the ark. Moments later they gasped as a sliding panel opened in the hull of the saucer.

“Open sesame!” Bud exclaimed. “I wonder what’s inside?” The interior was too dark to reveal much.

“We’ll soon find out!” Tom said in quiet exultation. But first he radioed Jerry, Evan Glennon, and Dr. Faber to join them.

Taking off from the landing platform somewhat gingerly, the three animal experts moved toward the ark on repelatron donkeys. Their movements were somewhat awkward and erratic at first, but they finally reached the spot where the boys were waiting.


“Here we go,” Tom greeted them, unhooking his life line. “Got everything you need?”

“Let us hope so, lad,” Evan Glennon replied as the other two murmured agreement. “Between us, we’ll cure those infected animals if earth science knows how!”

Tom led the way, stepping in first through the opening in the ark. He turned to assist Dr. Faber, then gasped in surprise. The panel had slid shut behind him!

“Hey, what gives here?” he muttered uneasily. He waited for the panel to reopen, but nothing happened. Had the radio operator failed to write down the signals and forgotten them?

“But he couldn’t be so lax,” Tom decided.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor