Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

“No need to do that, Jo,” Nancy said eagerly.

“You get your bag packed and be ready to leave

at ten o’clock tomorrow moming!”


Money, Money!

As nancy reflected on her plan, another idea

occurred to her. She was sure that Bess and

George would love the chance to spend a vacation

on a farm, since they had both mentioned it the

other day. Nancy did some mental arithmetic

and came to the conclusion that three steady

boarders who paid their bills regularly might

help to lessen the amount of the mortgage in-

terest payments that threatened Red Gate.

“And also keep Mrs. Byrd from selling the

place,” Nancy thought. “I hope Dad agrees to my

making the trip.”

That evening at dinner Mr. Drew said, “I’ll be

out of town for a week or so. Nancy. Do you

think you can get some of your friends to stay

with you?”

“I have an even better idea,” Nancy replied,

and smiled.

She outlined her plan to help Joanne Byrd.

Her father consented enthusiastically, proud as

always of Nancy’s desire to assist others.

It was not so easy to convince Bess and George,

when Nancy telephoned them. They both

wanted to help Joanne and agreed that a week or

two in the country would be very pleasant, but

there were complications. If George went, it

meant she would lose out on a camping trip. Bess

had planned to visit an aunt in Chicago, but ad-

mitted that the trip could be postponed.

“There’s one thing about it,” George said

laughingly as she finally agreed to give up the

camping trip. “I’ve never been with you yet that

we didn’t run into an adventure or mystery!

Maybe a trip to Red Gate will be exciting.”

Bess and George had no trouble in getting

their parents’ consent. It was decided that Nancy

would pick up Joanne first, then come back for

the cousins, since River Heights was on the way

to Round Valley.

Nancy packed her clothes that night after tele-

phoning the plans to Joanne. As she was closing

the suitcase, her eyes fell upon the copy of the

coded message which lay on the dressing table.

“I’d better take it along and work on it when-

ever I have the chance,” she decided.

Nancy got up early the next morning and had

breakfast with her father. After exchanging fond

good-bys with him and Hannah, she hurried to

her car.

It was close to ten o’clock when Nancy reached

Riverside Heights. She stopped at a downtown

service station and had her convertible filled with

gas and checked for oil. Then she drove to Jo-

anne’s boardinghouse.

Her passenger was waiting. Nancy was glad to

find that Joanne seemed to be in better spirits.

“It’ll be such fun, all of us going together,” Jo-

anne said, “and I know Gram will be happy to

have you stay as long as you like.”

“Only on the condition that we are paying

guests,” Nancy insisted.

“We’ll see about that later,” Joanne said,


They put her suitcase into the trunk of the

car and soon were on their way back to River

Heights. Assured by Joanne that they would be

welcome at Red Gate, the cousins brought out

their suitcases and put them in the luggage com-


George took Nancy aside and said excitedly, “A

little while ago a man phoned here and asked for

Miss Fayne. When I answered, he said, ‘Listen,

miss, tell that snoopy friend of yours to stop her

snooping, or she’ll be sorry!’ Then he hung up

without giving his name.”

Nancy set her jaw, then smiled. “Whoever he

is, he has a guilty conscience. So my suspicions

were well founded.”

“Who do you think he is?” George asked.

“Either the strange man on the train who fol-

lowed me here, or some accomplice of his.”

“I’m glad for your sake we’re going away,

Nancy,” stated George.

“Let’s not say anything about this to Jo,”

Nancy advised, as she and George walked back to

the car.

“It’s a perfect day for our trip to the country,”

Joanne said excitedly.

George could see by the expression on Jo-

anne’s face that a visit to Red Gate Farm with her

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn