Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

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“I’ve hit it!” she thought excitedly.


A Switch in Jobs

_ ~

1653 112 129 1562 16 882 091 5618

C a l li ng m ee ti ng

The numbers with the marks above or below

them stymied Nancy completely. Most of the oth-

ers fell neatly into place and spelled:

“Calling meeting,” Nancy repeated. “But

where? And by whom?” She yawned, weary from

her long concentration. “My brain’s too fogged to

figure out anything more,” she told herself. “I’ll

tackle this another time.”

The next morning Nancy and her father en-

joyed a leisurely breakfast. He praised her for

hitting upon the key to the code but agreed that

solving the rest of it would be difficult.

“Keep at it,” he advised, smiling fondly at his

daughter. “By the way, I won’t be home to lunch

or dinner today because of this Clifton case.”

“I thought I’d visit Joanne and try to cheer her

up,” Nancy said. “Do you, by any chance, know

anyone who’s looking for an office girl?” she


Mr. Drew shook his head. “No. I’m afraid I

don’t. But if I hear of anything I’ll let you know.”

“I feel that Joanne isn’t the type to be in the

hectic business world,” Nancy remarked. “If it

weren’t that she wants to help her grandmother, I

doubt that she’d even try for a city position.”

After Carson Drew had left for his office. Nancy

busied herself around the house, helping Han-

nah. When the housework was finally done,

Nancy settled herself in an easy chair and delved

into the code book once more. But she found no

new hints to help break her own set of numbers.

Nancy, Bess, and George had planned to start

for Riverside Heights early in the afternoon, so

as soon as the luncheon dishes had been cleared

away. Nancy was off to pick up the other girls. By

two-thirty they had reached Joanne’s rooming


The landlady answered Nancy’s knock on the

front door and informed her that Joanne had left

two hours before to see about a job. She would

be back at three o’clock. The woman invited the

girls in, but the living room looked so dark and

dreary that they preferred to wait outside in the


“It’s too bad Joanne has to stay in a dismal

place like that,” Nancy remarked, “especially

when she’s accustomed to farm life.”

“I sure hope she finds something,” Bess added.

“Maybe luck will be with her today.”

Within fifteen minutes the girls spotted Jo-

anne at a distance. She did not notice the car, and

unaware that she was being observed, walked

slowly toward the rooming house, her head

drooping dejectedly.

“She didn’t get the job,” George murmured.

“I feel so sorry for her.”

As Joanne approached. Nancy called to her. Jo-

anne glanced up quickly and mustered a smile.

“No luck today?” Bess questioned.

“None at all,” Joanne answered with a sigh.

She came over to the car and stood leaning against

the door. “I tried half a dozen places, but I

couldn’t land a thing. I’ll just have to try again


In the face of such spirit on Joanne’s part, the

girls could do nothing but encourage her, though

secretly they feared she would have no better luck

the next day.

“How about coming for a short ride?” Nancy


“I’d love it,” Joanne accepted eagerly. “It’s so

hot and stuffy in my room-” She hesitated, then

added, “Of course, I guess it is everywhere these


Nancy took a road that led out of the city and

soon they were driving past cultivated fields of

corn and wheat. Gradually, Joanne became more


“It’s so good to be out in the country again!”

she declared, gazing wistfully toward a farmhouse

nestled in the rolling hills. “That place looks

something like Red Gate Farm, only not half

so attractive. I wish you all could visit me there

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn