Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

you think the cops are wise?”

“Well, they may have got wise to the fact that

we’re using Yvonne again-”

“That’s right!” a shrill, angry female voice in-

terrupted. “Blame me! Every time somebody

gets nervous, you bring me into it!”

Nancy could scarcely restrain herself. She had

been right about Yvonne! The girl was mixed up

in the Hale Syndicate racket!

“You deserve blame,” Al Snead retorted irrita-

bly. “First, you didn’t have any more sense than

to sell a bottle of that perfume to a perfect


“I told you, that girl insisted upon buying it,

and I was afraid if I flatly refused, she and her

friends would get suspicious. Besides, I don’t see

what harm it did to sell the perfume to a teen-


“No,” Snead retorted sarcastically, “you’re so

simple-minded you wouldn’t see it might land us

in jail! When Pete was on the train going to

River Heights he noticed the scent and thought

that the girl was one of the Chief’s agents! Lucky

for all of us, he saw his mistake before he spilled


Yvonne sputtered back in defense. “Well, at

least I phoned Al at his office right away so he

could warn the agents about the stray bottle of

Blue Jade. It’s not my fault Pete happened to be

on the same train as those girls.”

The leader suddenly became impatient.

“Enough of this!” he shouted. “It’s not getting us

anywhere! Snead, I placed Yvonne in your office

and she’ll stay there as long as I say. I’m satisfied

with the rest of her work. Get me?”

Snead nodded sullenly.

Nancy had been studying the leader intently

and by this time was convinced that he was far

more clever and intelligent than his subordi-

nates. She figured that Al Snead was right-hand

man to the Chief, but resented his superior’s

favoritism toward Yvonne Wong. The organiza-

tion was a large one, evidently changing its scene

and type of operation from time to time. If only

she could slip away and get help from the author-


“Another thing,” Al Snead continued, address-

ing Maurice Hale, “we’d better make up a new

code. Those girls that have been gettin’ too close

to our operation just might notify the cops.”

“All right,” the Chief responded. “I’ll work

one out in a day or two.”

He called on another member of the organiza-

tion for a report. “Two hundred packages passed,


“Good!” the leader exclaimed, rubbing his

thin hands. “Now, if you’ll follow me to the work-

room, I’ll give you each your cut, and dole out

the stuff for next week.”

Nancy and her friends could not have retreated

had they wished, and certainly did not want to

leave when they seemed so near the truth!

But the situation in which they found them-

selves was a foreboding one and the very atmos-

phere of the room was tense and frightening.

Boldly they followed the others into an adjoining

chamber which was brilliantly lighted with


Though prepared for the unexpected, the girls

were taken completely aback at the sight which

greeted their eyes!


Tense Moments

Nancy’s first impression on entering was that the

chamber appeared to be a cross between a print-

ing shop and a United States mint.

“Counterfeiters!” she thought excitedly.

Hand presses stood about and several engraved

plates had been left on a table. Various chemicals

and inks were in evidence. Neat stacks of paper

money lined one wall and other bills were scat-

tered carelessly on the floor. Never in all her life

had Nancy seen so much money!

The room was cluttered with it. Twenty-dollar

bills appeared to be everywhere. Money, still

damp, was drying on tables. Nancy observed that

all the bills seemed to be of the twenty-dollar de-


At last she had the answer to the many ques-

tions which had been troubling her! This was

the secret of the cave! The latest racket of the

Hale Syndicate! The nature cult was a hoax, its

so-called mysterious rites used only as a screen to

hide the work of a clever band of counterfeiters!

The Black Snake Colony seemed to her to be a

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn