Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

this matter may be of deep concern to Jo and her

grandmother, if not to me.”

Mrs. Byrd had stepped to the porch door in

time to get the gist of the conversation, and at

once spoke up.

“I think Nancy is right,” she declared thought-

fully. “Of course, I don’t want the girls to go

looking for trouble, but I’m beginning to think

someone ought to investigate those mysterious

people. If anything questionable is going on, I

want to know about it. I’ll ask the Black Snake

Colony to move out, even if I do lose the rent.

Why, I might get into trouble myself if they


Mr. Abbott and Mrs. Salisbury fell into an

injured silence. Nancy gave her friends a sly

wink, and in a few minutes they all quietly with-

drew to the springhouse to discuss their plans.

Here, she told the girls about her conversation

with Chief McGinnis.

“Something peculiar is going on at those cult

meetings, I’m sure,” Nancy went on, “and I must

find out about them if I can. Do you all want to

join me in the investigation?”

“Of course,” Joanne and George said.

“Do you think it’ll be safe?” Bess asked.

“I’m not making any rash promises.” Nancy


Bess gave a little shiver. “I don’t like it, but

count me in.”

“How can we visit the colony without being

caught?” George asked.

“That’s the problem,” Nancy replied. “We

must make our plans carefully. Before we do any-

thing, I suggest we find out about the robes the

cult members wear. We may need to wear similar

ones to help us in our investigation.”

“There’s only one way to find that out,” Joanne

said. “Some night when they’re having a cere-

monial meeting, we can sneak through the woods

and try to get a closer look at what’s going on.”

Nancy nodded excitedly. “The double en-

trance to the cave will be perfect!” she said. “If

we can’t sneak into the meetings any other way,

we can get into the cave at the end they don’t


“Sounds terribly risky to me!” Bess com-


“Oh, for Pete’s sake,” George said scornfully.

“Don’t be such a wet blanket, Bess!”

Her cousin opened her mouth to retort, but

Nancy interposed quickly to forestall any further


“We’d better not tell our plan to anyone ex-

cept your grandmother, Jo,” she advised. “Other-

wise, Mrs. Salisbury and Mr. Abbott will try to

talk her out of letting us investigate.”

After a light supper and some rather forced

conversation on trivial matters, the girls retired.

They had tried to keep silent about the activities

of the nature cult, but their secretive manner did

not escape the notice of Mrs. Salisbury and Mr.


“You’re up to something,” Mrs. Salisbury re-

marked the next morning. “And if I were Mrs.

Byrd, I’d put a stop to it at once!”

Mrs. Byrd, however, went on serenely with her

work, being careful not to interfere with the

girls’ plans. They maintained a close watch of

the hillside, but for two days seldom saw anyone

in the vicinity.

“I think they’ve holed in for the rest of the

summer,” George declared impatiently at break-

fast. “Either that, or they’ve moved out.”

“The cult’s still there,” Joanne reassured her.

“The rent check arrived in the morning mail.”

“By the way, where do these nature people get

their food?” Nancy queried. “They can’t live on

blue sky and inspiration.”

“I think friends must bring food to them in

automobiles,” Joanne answered. “Several times

I’ve seen swanky cars drive up and park near the


“The cult members must be fairly well off,

then,” Nancy said thoughtfully. “I’m getting

tired of marking time. I wish something would

happen soon. If it doesn’t, I think I’ll investigate

that cave, anywayl”

That night the girls were late in finishing the

dishes. By the time they had put everything

away it was quite dark. When they went out to

the porch, they were relieved to find that the

boarders had gone to their rooms.

The girls sat talking quietly for some time.

The moon was high, and Nancy, from force of

habit, glanced eagerly toward the distant hill.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn