Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

river. I’ve never really had the nerve to visit the

place. Of course it you girls went along-”

“When can we go?” Nancy asked excitedly.

“I’ll speak to Gram,” Joanne offered.

“It’s odd you’ve never spoken to any of the

colony members,” Nancy remarked thoughtfully.

“Who pays the rent?”

“It’s sent by mail. They even leased the land

that way.”

“Didn’t it strike you as a peculiar way of doing

business?” Nancy asked.

“Yes,” Joanne admitted, “but I suppose it’s

part of their creed, or whatever you call it. They

probably don’t believe in mingling with people

outside the cult. That’s often the case.”

Directly after lunch the girls helped the Byrds

straighten and clean the rooms for the expected

boarders. They hung curtains, newly made by

Mrs. Byrd, and put fresh flowers in each room.

At the end of the afternoon they were very

pleased with the result.

“All you girls have worked hard enough,” Mrs.

Byrd said. “You go rest while I fix supper.”

She was insistent, so Joanne led her friends to

the porch. Bess stretched out in the hammock

and picked up the day’s newspaper. The others

chatted. Suddenly Bess gave an exclamation of


“Nancy,” she asked tensely, “what was the

name of that girl who sold me the perfume?”

“Wong,” Nancy answered in amazement.

“Yvonne Wong. Why?”

“Because there’s an article in the paper that

mentions her name!” Bess thrust the newspaper

into Nancy’s hands, indicating the paragraph.

“Wow! This is something! Read it yourself!”


Hillside Ghosts

Nancy read aloud:

” ‘The Hale Syndicate, which has been en-

gaged in the illegal importation of Oriental arti-

cles, has been dissolved by court order.’ ” Nancy

looked up and said, “I don’t see what that has to

do with our perfume friend Yvonne Wong.”

“A great deal,” Bess declared. “Read on and

you’ll find out!”

“Oh!” Nancy exclaimed a few seconds later.

“Yvonne was employed by the syndicate as a clerk

in their shop. She hasn’t been indicted, because

of insufficient evidence, and the top men have


Bess nodded, realizing the impact of her im-

portant discovery. “That perfume store we

visited must have been owned by the syndicate!”

“How long ago was the fraud discovered?”

George asked.

“The article doesn’t say,” Nancy returned. “It

has just now been made public.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that the Wong girl was

mixed up in some underhanded affair,” George

remarked. “I didn’t like her attitude from the


“Nor did I,” Bess added. “And I liked her less

after Nancy found out she had received the job

Jo wanted.”

“I’m certainly glad I didn’t get that job.” Jo-

anne smiled. “I’d much rather be here.”

“Do you suppose Yvonne knew the work of

the syndicate was dishonest?” Bess asked with


“I’m sure of it,” George answered flatly. “But

it looks as if she and the others slipped out

quickly when the federal authorities became

aware of the racket.”

All this time Nancy had been staring into

space. It had occurred to her that Yvonne Wong

might still be employed by the syndicate. Un-

doubtedly the name and offices had been changed

to throw off the federal authorities. Was Room

305 now the syndicate’s headquarters?

Nancy immediately thought of the coded mes-

sage she had brought with her. “The third num-

ber in it, 5, was the letter H,” she told herself.

Then she reflected on the recent newspaper arti-

cle about the syndicate.

“This ‘H’ might stand for Hale!” she thought

excitedly. “And the line over it might mean that

someone by this name is important-the ring-

leader, perhaps! I must talk to Chief McGinnis

again. I may have stumbled onto a clue to those

missing Hale Syndicate men!”

After supper she phoned the chief and pro-

pounded her theory. “Well, Nancy,” he said, “it

sounds as if you might have picked up a clue,

sure enough. Send me a copy of that code and I’ll

get busy on it.”

After Nancy completed the call, she and the

other girls studied the code once more.

Gazing at the 16 and the 5, Nancy suddenly said,

“M-M-why that could stand for Maurice!

Maybe that man’s name is Maurice Hale!”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn