Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

get down to business!”

George was just wondering what the girls had

better do when Bess clutched Nancy’s hand and

whispered nervously:

“Do we dare enter?”

“We must,” Nancy returned quietly.

The girls stood motionless, watching the

white-robed figures march single file toward the

entrance to the cave. Finally Nancy signaled, and

the three friends followed the group, even

though it occurred to them that they might be

walking into a trap.

“Keep close behind me,” Nancy warned her

companions in a whisper.

As they approached the mouth of the opening,

Nancy saw a tall figure, robed in white, standing

guard. Her heart nearly stopped as she realized

that each person was uttering some password.

“We’re finished now,” she thought.

It was too late to turn back. The three girls

could do nothing but hope that in some way

they might get past the stalwart guard.

Nancy kept close to the person just ahead of

her, and as he muttered the password, she man-

aged to hear it.


When Nancy’s turn came to pass the guard, she

spoke the word clearly. As she had hoped, George

and Bess heard, and taking their cue from her,

repeated the password. The sentry did not give

them a second glance, yet the girls breathed eas-

ier when they were safely through the entrance.

The marchers descended into a cold, damp

tunnel. Someone was carrying a torch at the head

of the procession, but Nancy and her friends, who

were near the end of the line, were in semidark-


“What do you suppose we’re getting into?”

George muttered.

Nancy did not reply, but gave her friend a

sharp nudge as a warning not to speak. A moment

later Bess tripped over some object in the path

and would have fallen if Nancy had not caught

her by the arm. They walked farther under-

ground, and then, unexpectedly, stepped into a

dimly lighted chamber.

The members of the cult seated themselves on

the floor, and the girls followed their example.

Presently they became aware of the strong scent

of Blue Jade perfume. Bess was not the only one

wearing it tonight!

“So there is a definite connection between this

distinctive perfume and the Black Snake Col-

ony!” Nancy thought. “No wonder that man on

the train was startled. Perhaps the women use it,

and he couldn’t identify me but took it for

granted I was one of the group. If so, it’s just as

well Bess has some on.”

Nancy suddenly recalled the forged note bear-

ing the Blue Jade scent. “The woman who de-

livered it to me must be a member of the cult!”

she thought excitedly.

After everyone had entered the room, the man

who had given the sharp order outside the cave

spoke again. He threw off his headgear and

glanced over the group appraisingly. Nancy was



The man she had seen the first time she had

stopped at the filling station!

“Is he Maurice Hale?” she asked herself ex-


“Everyone here?” he demanded gruffly.

He counted the group, and again Nancy and

her friends held their breaths. Apparently some

of the members of the colony were missing, for

the leader did not notice that three new recruits

had been added to his organization.

“We may as well get down to work,” the leader

announced. “Snead, have you anything to re-


At the question one of the disguised persons

stood up and threw off his mask. Again Nancy was

startled. He was none other than the man she had

seen in Room 305!

“Here’s the good money,” he said, handing

over an envelope. “Perfect score this time for our

main distribution department.”

“Very fine. Then nothing’s gone wrong at

your new office?”

“Not yet. Chief,” was the muttered reply, “but

yesterday I saw a bird hangin’ around the build-

ing-looked like a plain-clothes cop to me. I

don’t want you to think I’m backing out, but if

you ask me, I’d say it’s about time to blow. This

game can’t last forever, you know.”

“I’ll do the thinking for this outfit!” the

leader scathingly retorted. “We’ll stay here an-

other week and then pick a new spot. What makes

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn