Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

name typed on it.

“This seems like a peculiar way for your father

to get in touch with you,” Mrs. Byrd remarked.

“Why didn’t he phone if it’s urgent?”

“I don’t understand it myself,” Nancy an-

swered, as she tore open the letter.

The message was typewritten and was succinct.

Nancy was to return home at once. Her father

needed her. She was not to try to communicate

with him. He could not explain why. It was

signed “Dad.”

Nancy read the letter to Mrs. Byrd. “Oh, I

couldn’t let you start out at this time of night

alone,” the woman said at once. “You must wait

until morning.”

“This whole thing doesn’t seem like Dad,”

Nancy reflected. “He wouldn’t send a terse note

like this even if he were in some kind of trouble.”

Mrs. Byrd was very much concerned. “It seems

to me he would have called you on the phone in

an emergency,” she offered thoughtfully.

“Yes,” Nancy agreed, “that’s why this puzzles

me so. But don’t you worry about it, Mrs. Byrd.

This is something I’ll have to try to figure out


“But, my dear,” Mrs. Byrd repeated, “it’s im-

possible for you to do anything about it at this


Nancy carefully studied the note again. Sud-

denly she became aware of a familiar scent of

perfume. The young detective held the envelope

to her nostrils. It had been handled by someone

who used the distinctive Blue Jade scent which

Bess had purchased!

Instantly Nancy was alerted. “It wouldn’t sur-

prise me, Mrs. Byrd, if this letter is a phony! I’m

going to call Dad, even though it’s an unearthly

hour to waken him.”

She picked up the receiver in the hall. No

sound reached her ears. “I’m afraid the line is

dead,” she told Mrs. Byrd. “Does this happen


“It has never happened before,” Mrs. Byrd

said. “I made a call after supper and everything

was all right then.”

Nancy stood in perplexed silence. Had her fa-

ther tried to get her, found the line out of order,

then given the note to the couple? The woman

might have carried the letter in a handbag which

contained a purse-size bottle of the Oriental per-


“In that case I ought to start for River

Heights,” Nancy thought. But a feeling of suspi-

cion about the whole thing overpowered her. It

might be a trap. The telephone line could have

been cut. One or more persons might try to cap-

ture her on the road.

“But why?” Nancy asked herself repeatedly.

She came to the conclusion that the Hale Syndi-

cate was back of the incident. They must have

found out she had reported her suspicions to the

police and somehow had learned where she was


She turned to Mrs. Byrd and said, “I’ll wait un-

til seven o’clock, then try the phone again. If it

still isn’t working, I’ll go to town and call Dad.”

“Thank you, dear.” Mrs. Byrd patted Nancy

on the shoulder. “But don’t go anywhere alone.

Take Bess and George with you.”

“I will.”

Promptly at seven o’clock Nancy tried to get

in touch with her father but the phone still was

not working. Joanne was already up, but Nancy

roused Bess and George. The three girls were

astounded to learn about the note.

“We’ll get breakfast in town,” Nancy told Mrs.

Byrd as she prepared to drive off with her

friends. “And if I don’t have to go to River

Heights, I can do your shopping, too. Suppose

you give me the list.”

Halfway to town, George said suddenly,

“Nancy, isn’t your gasoline tank nearly empty?”

Nancy nodded. “I’m glad you reminded me.

Watch for a station and we’ll stop.”

Presently Bess sighted one on the main road.

“It’s the same place we stopped to eat on our way

to the farm,” she said.

“So it is,” George remarked.

“I can phone from here,” Nancy decided.

She turned in at the gravel driveway, but as two

other cars were ahead of her, she drew up some

distance from the pump.

“How about getting breakfast here after you

phone?” Bess suggested.

The girls agreed. Bess and George entered the

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn