Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

costume making. She confided in me you might

have done just what you did. She asked me to try

and stop you.”

“Yes. Go on,” Nancy urged.

“Well, I’ve been suspicious of this hillside

ceremony stuff, and after talking further with

Mrs. Byrd, I decided to get in touch with the

Secret Service men she said you had told her

about. They couldn’t come, but the chief agent

in this area sent some of his other men.”

“How marvelous of you to have put two and

two together!” Bess exclaimed.

“By the time we all got here,” Karl went on,

“no one was around. I sneaked inside just as all

of you were coming out. Mr. Horton thought you

girls would not be harmed if you walked outside

before the gang was captured.”

“Thanks for that,” said George. “I’ve had


Just then Secret Service Agent Horton came

over to Nancy’s group and extended his hand to

her. “Miss Drew,” he said earnestly, “I want to

thank you for your work which has resulted in

the solution of one of the most baffling cases of

counterfeiting the United States Government has

ever had. How did you do it?”

Nancy blushed at the praise. “It was sort of a

chain reaction, I guess,” the young sleuth replied,

and told of the various circumstances that had led

to tonight’s adventure.

When she finished, the agent shook his head in

amazement. “You cracked a code this gang had

thought was unbreakable. My congratulations.”

It was late when the four girls, escorted by

Karl Abbott, left the cave. As they neared the

farmhouse, Joanne observed that the lights were

on. “I hope Gram hasn’t been too worried.”

Before the girls reached the porch, Mrs. Byrd

came hurrying toward them. She clung tightly to

Joanne for an instant.

“I’m so glad you’re back,” she murmured in

relief. “And you girls are all right. I was terribly

afraid those members of the Black Snake Col-


She was interrupted by Mrs. Salisbury’s voice

from the dark porch. ‘”You had us so worried we

couldn’t go to bed. The idea of girls running

around the country at this hour! That nature cult

is all foolishness, anyway!”

“Absolutely!” Mr. Abbott agreed. “The less

you meddle with their affairs, the wiser you’ll


“You’re wrong this time. Father,” Karl Jr. an-

nounced. “If the girls hadn’t meddled, those

counterfeiters would have operated indefinitely.”

“Counterfeiters!” the two boarders and Mrs.

Byrd exclaimed together.

They were tense as Karl Jr. related every-

thing that had happened. In fact, it was not until

the next day that Mrs. Salisbury recovered from

the shock sufficiently to boast:

“Well, I always said those girls were up and


Mr. Abbott was very proud of the part his son

had played in the case, and said so several times.

Mrs. Byrd had nothing except praise for Nancy

and her friends. “And who would think,” she said

incredulously, “that Bess’s innocent purchase of

a bottle of perfume would lead you girls to a

mystery right here at Red Gate Farm!”

However, the removal of the Black Snake Col-

ony from her property left her a serious financial

problem. “I’m glad they’re gone,” she said, “but

I’ll miss the money. I can’t hope to rent the land

again. It isn’t fertile enough for farming. All this

talk about counterfeiters is apt to give Red Gate

a bad name, too. I’ll probably lose those other

boarders who were coming!”

“Publicity is a queer thing,” Nancy said

thoughtfully. “Sometimes one can work it to

one’s advantage. That’s what we’ll do now.”

“How?” Joanne asked.

“We’ll advertise that counterfeiters’ cavern to

sightseers and make enough money to lift a

dozen mortgages!”

The others were enthusiastic. During the next

week the girls, with Karl Jr.’s assistance, placed

in the cave for public display an imitation setup

of the counterfeiting operation. There were sev-

eral old printing presses, and some dummy

figures arranged before them as if “at work.” Scat-

tered about the cave floor were stacks of home-

made “money”-to represent counterfeit bills.

The following week Mr. Drew came to Red

Gate Farm. A few miles away he halted his auto-

mobile at the side of the road, and with an

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