Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

lunchroom while Nancy went to an outdoor

phone booth. She had her father on the wire in a

few moments.

“Dad, did you send me a note last night?”

“Why, no.”

Quickly his daughter explained her question.

The lawyer said grimly, “It’s plain to see someone

wants to harm you in one way or another. Please

be very careful.”

Nancy promised and said, “Anyway, I’m glad

you’re all right.”

After Nancy hung up, she dialed the phone

company to report that the Byrd line was out of

order. A few minutes later she joined Bess and

George at a table and whispered the result of her

conversation with Mr. Drew.

“Oh, Nancy, this means you’re in danger!” Bess

said worriedly.

“I thought at least I’d be safe at Red Gate

Farm,” Nancy said.

“I wonder,” George muttered.

The girls were the only customers in the res-

taurant. No one came to wait on them. From an

inner room, evidently used as an office, they could

hear excited voices.

“Something’s wrong,” Nancy said to her com-


Just then two men came out of the office in

company with the gasoline-station attendant and

the woman who served as waitress of the restau-

rant. The woman was talking excitedly.

“We found the twenty-dollar bill in the cash

register at the end of the day. It looked like any

other money, and we didn’t suspect anything was

wrong until John took the day’s receipts to the

bank. And of all things they said the bill was

counterfeit and they’d have to turn it over to the

Secret Service!”

“Yes,” one of the agents spoke up, “we’ve just

come from the bank and it’s a counterfeit all

right. There’s been a lot of this bad money

passed lately. The forgery is very clever.”

“What am I going to do?” the woman cried.

“We were cheated out of twenty dollars! It isn’t

fair to hard-working people like John and me.

Aren’t you Secret Service agents going to do some-

thing about it?”

“We’re doing all we can,” one of the men re-

plied. “We don’t have much to go on.”

“It was a girl who gave me the bill,” the

woman explained. “There were several of them

in the party. I’d recognize- Oh!” she shrieked.

“There’s the very girl!” She pointed an accusing

finger at Nancy Drew.

Nancy and her friends stared in astonishment.

They could not believe what they had just heard.

“Arrest that girll” the woman screamed.

“Don’t let any of them get away-they’re all in on

it together!”

“Just a minute,” one of the agents said. “Sup-

pose you explain,” he suggested to Nancy.

The excited woman, however, was not to be

calmed. She rushed toward Nancy and shook her

fist at the girl. “Don’t deny you gave me that

phony bill!” she almost screamed.

“I neither deny nor affirm it,” Nancy said,

turning to the agents. “I did give the woman a

twenty-dollar bill, but how do you know it was

the counterfeit?”

“It was the only twenty we took in that day,”

the waitress retorted.

Nancy’s thoughts raced. “I’ll take your word

for it,” she said quietly.

Opening her purse she took out another

twenty-dollar bill. The woman snatched the

money and handed it to one of the Secret Service

men. “Is this good?” she asked crisply.

The agent examined the bill. Then he looked

at Nancy. “Where did you get this?”

“From my father. He gave me both bills, as a

matter of fact. One was for car emergencies.”

Instead of giving the bill to the woman, the

man put it into his pocket. “This is serious busi-

ness, young lady. The bill you just gave me is also


Nancy was thunderstruck. Bess and George

gasped. Before any of them could speak, the

lunchroom woman cried out, “She’s one of the

gang! Arrest her!”

For the first time the station attendant spoke

up. “Take it easy, Liz. These girls don’t exactly

look like counterfeiters.”

Liz sniffed. “People don’t usually go around

paying for sundaes with twenty-dollar bills!” she

said tartly.

“My father gave me the money because I was

going on a vacation.”

“A likely story!” the woman sneered.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn