Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

out to meet them. Her blue eyes were bright as

she welcomed Joanne warmly.

“My granddaughter told me how kind you all

were to her in the city,” she said to Nancy and her

friends. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“Gram!” Joanne exclaimed. “I can’t stand the

suspense. Did you sell the farm to that man?”

Mrs. Byrd shook her head. “Mercy! I was so

excited at your coming back I forgot to tell you.

He phoned a little while ago and said that be-

cause of the storm he’d rather come here to-

morrow-he could wait one more day.”

Not only Joanne, but her visitors, heaved sighs

of relief. Further discussion of the subject was

deferred when Mrs. Byrd insisted the girls

freshen up for supper.

They entered the large, rambling house, and a

little later everyone sat down in the plainly fur-

nished but comfortable dining room. Mrs. Byrd

appeared very happy as she bustled about, serv-

ing the delicious meal of hot biscuits, sizzling

ham, sweet potatoes, and coffee. The girls had

not realized how hungry they were.

“Nothing like driving through a storm to work

up an appetite.” George grinned.

It was not until dessert-freshly baked lemon

meringue pie-that Joanne mentioned again

what was uppermost in her mind. “Gram,” she

said gently, “please call up that man and tell him

you don’t want to sell our farm. Please. We’ll

find a way to stay here, somehow. I’m sure there’ll

be answers to your ads for boarders.”

Nancy quickly spoke up. “Yes, Mrs. Byrd. It

certainly would be a shame to give up Red Gate.

And besides, George, Bess, and I would like to be

paying guests for a while-if you’d like us to stay,

that is.”

“Of course I want you all here as long as pos-

sible. But I really can’t accept any money,” Mrs.

Byrd protested. “You have been so wonderful to


“If you won’t let us pay our share, we’ll have to

return home tomorrow,” Nancy insisted.

Mrs. Byrd finally relented and declared with

a smile: “I believe I was just waiting to be dis-

suaded from taking that Mr. Kent’s offer. I’ll call

him right now. He gave me his telephone num-


The girls followed her into the kitchen, and

sat down while Mrs. Byrd went to the phone

there and put in the call.

“Mr. Kent? I’ve decided not to sell Red Gate

Farm-at any price. . . . No. I … No. . .

Absolutely.” The woman winced and held the

phone away from her ear.

Nancy and her friends exchanged glances. The

man was evidently incensed and was speaking so

loudly they could hear his voice easily. Finally

Mrs. Byrd put down the receiver.

“Well, I’m glad that man isn’t going to own

Red Gate,” she declared. “He certainly was un-

pleasant. He even said I might regret my de-


Joanne’s face was radiant and she hugged her

grandmother. “I feel so much better now.” She

turned to her new friends. “Somehow, I know

you’re going to bring us luck, Nancy, Bess, and


Suddenly Mrs. Byrd said, “Goodness! I’ve for-

gotten to look in our mailbox today.”

“I’ll go.” Joanne hurried outside and was back

in a minute, several envelopes in her hand.

“Gram! One of these is from the Round Valley

Gazette. Do you think-?” Excitedly she handed

the mail to her grandmother.

The girls watched eagerly as Mrs. Byrd tore

open a long, bulky envelope and took out a num-

ber of enclosed letters. She looked at them

quickly. A smile spread over her face.

“Gram, are they answers to the ad for board-

ers?” Joanne asked excitedly.

Mrs. Byrd nodded. “I can hardly believe it!

Two people are arriving the day after tomorrow.

First, a Mrs. Salisbury, then a Mr. Abbott. Sev-

eral others will come later this month.”

“Wonderful!” Nancy said, and immediately

offered her assistance in getting rooms ready.

“Count Bess and me in too,” said George.

Joanne and her grandmother at first demurred,

but were outvoted. “Very well.” Mrs. Byrd

smiled. “Tomorrow afternoon will be time

enough to get things ready.”

Later, as the guests bid her good night, Mrs.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn