Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

“They’ll be missed and a searching party might

visit this joint. How about the shack at the river?

It’s in such a desolate spot no one would think of

looking there until after-”

He did not finish the sentence, but from the

sinister expression on his face. Nancy and her

friends guessed his meaning. He intended to lock

them up in the cabin and leave them without


A cry of anguish came from the leader’s wife.

Rushing forward, she clutched her husband fran-

tically by the arm.

“Oh, Maurice! You couldn’t be that cruel!”

Mr. Hale flung her away from him with a force

that sent the woman reeling against the wall. She

uttered a little moan of pain and sank to the floor.

“Oh!” Bess screamed.

Even the cult members were startled.

“Be quiet!” ordered their chief.

The cruel action aroused Nancy. For an instant

all eyes were centered on the woman, and Nancy

thought she saw her opportunity. Quick as a flash

she made a rush for the exit. Bess and George,

equally alert, darted after her.

Al Snead, who stood in the opening, was taken

completely by surprise. He tried to hold his

ground but the girls were too strong for him.

He managed to detain Bess and George, but

Nancy wriggled from his grasp. She hesitated

when she saw her friends had failed.

“Go on, Nancy!” Bess shrieked. “You must es-


Nancy darted into the next room, while

George and Bess struggled with their captor, try-

ing to block the door and give their friend more


“Stop that girl!” Maurice Hale shouted an-

grily. “If you let her get away, I’ll-”

Nancy plunged into the tunnel and was swal-

lowed up by darkness. She ran for her life and for

the lives of her friends, realizing this probably

was her only chance.

The long white robe hindered her, but there

was no time to tear it off. She held it high above

her knees. Once she stumbled, but caught her-

self, and rushed on frantically.

The tunnel seemed to have no end. Behind

her. Nancy could hear pounding footsteps and an-

gry shouts. She thought the men must be gaining.

If only she could reach the mouth of the cave!

The tunnel wound in and out and several

times Nancy brushed against the rough stone

wall. The route was so circuitous that she began

to think she had taken a wrong turn.

Then, just as she was giving up hope, Nancy

spotted a dim light far ahead and knew she must

be nearing the mouth of the cave. No one ap-

peared to be left guarding the entrance. Her only

chancel In a moment more she had reached the

open air.

“Saved!” Nancy breathed.

At that instant a dark figure loomed up from

the grass. Nancy felt a heavy hand on her shoul-



Destroyed Evidence

“Not so fast there!” The man leered as he

clutched Nancy firmly by the arm and whirled

her around. “What’s the big rush, anyway?”

Nancy, staring into his hard face, saw that he

was the man who had been addressed as “Hank,”

one of the three men she had seen at the filling

station. Frantically she struggled to free herself.

“So-” he muttered in satisfaction, “the pretty

blond spy the boys were telling me about. I

thought you were warned by the guard to keep

away from here! This time, I take it, you’re

lookin’ for something besides a stray cow!”

“Yes, and I’m going to find it!” Nancy said


“Oh, yeah? You’re going to find what? The po-

lice?” Hank looked at her costume. “You’re a spy.

But your little game is up.”

Nancy’s pulse was racing. How could she get

away? She could hear running footsteps coming

through the tunnel, and knew her chance of es-

cape would be over in another instant. In des-

peration she tried to jerk herself free from Hank.

But her captor gripped her more securely and

laughed as she cried out in pain,

“Let me go!”

Nancy twisted and squirmed, “but her efforts

Only made Hank tighten his grip. By the time the

others reached her, she had given up the struggle

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn