Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

ply must raise enough money to pay the long-

standing interest due on the mortgage of our

farm or Gram will lose it.”

“Surely no one would be mean enough to take

over your farm,” Bess murmured sympatheti-


“A bank holds the mortgage. It has no choice.

Gram knows very little about money matters, so

she takes anyone’s advice. Years ago she was ad-

vised to buy another farm and sell it at a high

price. All at once values crashed and she couldn’t

meet the payments on her extra farm, so it went

back to the original owners. Then she had to put

a heavy mortgage on Red Gate, too, and if she

loses that, she’ll be penniless.”

As Joanne finished her story. Nancy turned the

car into the Drews’ driveway.

“Come in, everybody,” she invited. “Perhaps

we can think of a way to help Joanne.”

The three girls followed Nancy into the house,

where they were greeted by the Drews’ pleasant

housekeeper. Hannah Gruen had been like a

mother’to Nancy ever since the death of Mrs.

Drew when Nancy was a child. Nancy asked Han-

nah to make some sandwiches for them all, then

led the girls to the living room.

“You must be nearly starved,” Nancy said to

Joanne a moment later. “I know I am.”

“I am rather hungry,” Joanne confessed. “I

haven’t had anything to eat since last night.”

“What!” the other girls chorused.

“It was my own fault,” Joanne said hastily. “I

was too excited this morning to think about


“It’s no wonder you fainted,” Nancy said. “I’ll

ask Hannah to fix you something hot.”

Nancy returned from the kitchen with a tray

of appetizing sandwiches and a bowl of soup.

Joanne ate heartily. Nancy and her friends joined

in, for they had had only a light snack while on

their shopping expedition.

“I do feel better,” Joanne announced when she

had finished. “It was so good of you to bring me


“Not at all,” Nancy said softly. “We’d like

to help you all we can.”

“Thank you, but I believe everything will

work out all right if only I get this position.” Jo-

anne glanced anxiously at the clock. “I’ll really

have to go now or I’ll be too late to make the call

this afternoon. Could you tell me how to get to

this address?”

She handed a folded scrap of newspaper to

Nancy. “This particular ad for an office girl

caught my eye since it asks for someone who has

had experience on a farm.”

Nancy found the advertisement to be rather

conventional, but it was the name at the bottom

of the paragraph that held her attention.

“Why, this ad says Riverside Heights!” she ex-

claimed. “You should have stayed on the train

until the next stop!”

“I thought Riverside Heights and River

Heights were the same place!” Joanne Byrd cried

in distressed surprise.

“Riverside Heights is only a few miles away,”

Nancy explained, “and the names are confusing

even to people who live near here, so it’s a natu-

ral mistake.”

“Oh, dear, I don’t know what to do now,” Jo-

anne said anxiously. “If I don’t apply for that po-

sition this afternoon, I’ll probably lose my

chance of getting it.”

Nancy had taken a liking to the girl and wanted

to help her. Not only was Joanne half sick from

lack of food, but she had worked herself into a

nervous state.

“You must let me drive you to Riverside

Heights,” Nancy insisted. “It’ll only take fifteen

minutes and you’ll have plenty of time to apply

for the position.”

Joanne’s face brightened instantly, but she

was reluctant to accept the favor. “I’ve really

troubled you enough.”

“Nonsense! We’ll start right away!” Nancy

turned to Bess and George. “Want to come


Bess and George both declined, since they

were expected home. The cousins gathered up

their packages and all the girls went to the car.

Nancy dropped Bess and George at their own

homes, then took the highway leading to the

next city.

“I do hope I get there in time,” Joanne said

worriedly. “The job will mean so much to Gram

and me!”

“You’ll get there,” Nancy assured her. “Have

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