Keene, Carolyn – Nancy Drew 006 – The Secret of Red Gate Farm

sation and could not resist the temptation to

take a peek at the notation. She stepped silently

over to the telephone table and glanced at the

sheet. Strung out across the top and bottom of the

page were numbers. The top row read:

_ ~

1653 112 129 1562 16 882 091 5618

“Stock quotations, like fun!” Nancy told her-

self. “Why did he lie about it? He must have been

afraid I’d discover something!” As usual. Nancy

was intrigued at any hint of a mystery. She

studied the row of odd figures. Suddenly it

dawned on her that they might be a message in


Nancy looked quickly toward the inner office.

The door was open, but the man sat with his back

toward her. She did not dare pick up the paper.

If only there was enough time to copy the codel

With one eye on the office. Nancy took a sheet

of paper and frantically scribbled the numbers,

carefully keeping them in their right order.

She could hear Joanne’s soft voice, then her

prospective employer talking loudly, and realized

the interview was coming to an end.

She had copied only the top row of numbers,

but dared not spend any more time at it. She put

the copy into her bag and slipped back into her

chair just a moment before Joanne and the man

emerged from the inner room. He glanced to-

ward the telephone, gave a start, and rushed

across the room. With a muttered exclamation he

grabbed the paper and thrust it into his pocket.

Nancy’s heart was beating madly as she forced

herself to remain outwardly calm. He stood with

a cold look on his face, his eyes fixed on Nancy.


Work on a Code

Had the man heard her rush from the telephone

table? Nancy wondered. Was he suspicious of her

actions during his absence? If so, what reason

did he have and what business deal was he hiding

in this dingy excuse for an office? Nancy pre-

tended not to notice his penetrating, question-

ing eyes, but she was ill at ease.

The hostile man spoke up. “You girls better

get out of here!” he blurted. “I got no more time

to waste. And don’t bother to come back I”

Nancy and Joanne looked hastily at each other

and moved toward the door. Once outside the

building. Nancy breathed a sigh of relief and

turned toward Joanne, who was close to tears.

“Don’t feel bad because you didn’t get the

job,” Nancy said gently as they walked to the car.

“You wouldn’t have wanted it, I’m sure.”

“That man was detestable!” Joanne shud-

dered. “I had just given my name and address

when he started to shout. You must have heard


Nancy nodded. “I think he had already found

another girl to work for him,” she said. “At least

I heard him say something like that over the


“I knew I wouldn’t get the job.” Joanne

sighed dejectedly. “He told me I wasn’t the


“I’d count my blessings if I were you,” said

Nancy soberly. “There’s something strange going

on in that office and I’d like to know what it is.”

“Why, what do you mean?” Joanne asked quiz-


“Well,” Nancy began carefully, “I’m not sure

my suspicions are just, but I have a hunch there’s

something shady about the telephone message he

got when you were in the inner office.” Nancy ex-

plained about the series of numbers on the sheet

of paper and how she suspected they might form

some sort of code.

“At any rate,” Nancy went on, “we can’t be

sure of anything, so this must remain confiden-


Joanne nodded and fell silent.

Many thoughts raced through Nancy’s mind as

she remembered the day’s encounters. First there

had been the perfume shop and its mysterious

saleswoman, then the curious man on the train

who had been attracted by the strange fragrance.

And now, this crude, gruff man in Room 305!

“What should I do now?” Joanne asked for-

lornly. “I can’t go back to Red Gate Farm and let

Gram down. I simply must find work!”

“Why not come home with me?” Nancy sug-

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