M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

With this, she reaches up, takes hold of the shoulder of her dress, and rips it diagonally across her body down to the hip … in doin’ so givin’ me a quick glimpse of a lot more of Tananda than it has previously been my privilege to view.

“He was going to … Oh, it was just awful! What kind of people are you, anyway?”

She pauses in her hysterics.

“Guido!” she sez, urgent-Iike.

I am still starin’ at the portion of the dress she is now tryin’ to hold together with one hand.

“Hmmm? Oh … Yeah! Just take it easy, lady!!” I sez, avertin’ my eyes as I am a little embarrassed. “He didn’t mean nothin’!!”

“Get him away from me!!! Just get him away!!!”

That cue I can remember.

“Come on Nunzio,” I sez. “Let’s get him out of here!”

With that, we each grab Junebug by one arm and usher him out of the room through the crowd that’s startin’ to gather. I look back at Tananda and give her a wink, but she just sticks her tongue out at me quick-like before continuin’ her hysterics.

“WHAT KIND OF A PLACE IS THIS?” she screams after us. “Letting animals like that mix with decent people …”

I lose the rest of her performance as we are carryin’ Junebug down to the main floor by now.

The crowd what has been outside the room was nothin’ compared to what was waitin’ for us in the bar. Everybody in the place is crowdin’ around to see what is goin’ on … well, crowdin’ at a distance like folks do when they don’t want to be right up dose to the action. Toward the back, I can see the uniforms of some of the local constabulary, though they are havin’ trouble reachin’ us through the heavy traffic. Of the Military Police there is no sign … so I figure we will just have to start without them.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert