M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

Thinkin’ it over real hard, I finally come up with an answer: What I gotta do is think of it as a joke on a buddy. Okay, maybe it’s a dubious joke … like poppin’ a paper bag behind someone who’s gettin’ ready to blow a safe … but as long as the notable in question does not end up permanently damaged or incarcerated as a result, it can be passed off as a joke.

Now, my only concern is tryin’ to make sure that whoever we pick has a sense of humor … a real good sense of humor!

Chapter Eleven:

“That’s why the lady is a tramp!”


“HOOOO-EY! THE PLACE is sure jumpin’ tonight!” Shu Flie exclaims, leanin’ back in his chair to survey the room.

“You kin say that again, Shu,” his brother sez. “Hey! Lookit that one over there!”

Any way youse look at it, the Flie brothers run a class act … though politeness will forbid my commentin’ on which class. For a change, however, I am inclined to agree with them.

This is our first weekend in Twixt, much less here at Abdul’s, and the bar is packed to overflowin’. In fact, if we hadn’t been drinkin’ here since early afternoon, it’s doubtful we would have a table at all. As it is, we are entrenched at our regular table with a good view of the bar … or, to be more specific the de-rears arrayed along the bar … as well as the de-fronts when they turn around. Believe me, speakin’ as a well-traveled demon, youse don’t get scenery like this just anywhere!

Unfortunately, my enjoyment of the view is marred by my distraction over the comin’ events.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert