M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“How about the spaghetti place we passed on the way here?” Spyder sez, jerkin’ her head back in the direction they had come from.

I shoot a quick glance at Nunzio, who is already lookin’ at me. As so often happens when we’re workin’ together, we are thinkin’ the same thing at the same time, and this time we’re both thinkin’ that the best way to avoid runnin’ into someone with Mob connections is by not usin’ a spaghetti place for a base of operations.

“Ah … let’s see if we can find someplace less likely … I mean, closer.” I suggest, casual-like.

“Well, how ’bout we try right here?” Nunzio chimes in, pickin’ up on my general train of thought.

I look where he is pointin’, and have to admit that it is probably the last place someone from the Mob would think of lookin’ for us. The sign over the door of the joint reads, ABDUL’S SUSHI BAR AND BAIT SHOP.

“Sushi?” Shu Flie scowls. “You mean like raw fish?”

“At least we know it’s fresh,” Junebug sez, gesturin’ at the second part of the sign.

“Oh, don’t be a bunch of babies” Spyder grins, givin’ Shu a poke in the ribs. “Wait ’til you’ve tried it. It’s good! Come on.”

Now, I am no more enthusiastic than the Flie brothers about eatin’ this stuff, even though Nunzio has been after me for some time to give it a try. I mean, I’m used to fish in a tomato sauce or somethin’, served with pasta—not rice. Still, there seems little option than to follow Spyder and Nunzio as they merrily lead the way into the place.

“Ah! Members of our noble fighting forces!” the proprietor sez, slitherin’ up out of the dim depths to greet us. “Please, come right in. We give special discounts for our men … and ladies … in uniform!”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert