M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“It would seem,” I sez carefully, “that we’re bein’ rewarded for ‘action against the enemy.’ I guess we just miscalculated who the army sees as ‘the enemy’ is all.”

We walk on in silence for a few, each of us reflectin’ on what has occurred.

“I guess there is a good side to this,” I sez at last. “If we are gonna continue our attempts to disrupt the army, headquarters is probably the best place to do it from.”

“True enough,” Nunzio sighs. “Well, Guido, let me be the first to congratulate you.”

“On what?”

“Why, on your promotion, of course,” he sez, glancin’ sideways at me. “I know exactly how much it means to you.”

I think of hittin’ him, but he has deliberately stepped out of range as he lays this on me.

“Nunzio,” I sez, “let us not forget your own …”

“Hey guys!! Wait up!!”

We look around to find Spyder comin’ up behind us.

“Oh, hi Spyder.”

“So what happened?” she sez, tryin’ to get her wind back as she catches up to us.

“Well, there was a bit of a fight after you left, and …”

“I know that,” she interrupts. “I heard. Sorry I missed it. I meant afterward. Are you guys in trouble?”

“Naw,” Nunzio shrugs casual-like. “In fact, we’re all being transferred to Headquarters Staff … oh yeah, and Guido and me got promoted.”

He sez this real easy, expectin’ her to be as surprised as we was. Strangely enough, however, she lets it skate on by her.

“What about the civilian authorities? What are you gonna do about them?”

“Nothin’,” I sez. “Why should we?”

“Are you kidding? The way I heard it you punched out a cop! They aren’t gonna just ignore that!”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert