M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Thanks, Nunzio,” Junebug calls over his shoulder as he and Tananda weave their way toward the stairs.

My cousin waits until they are out of sight before he bothers to release his grip on Frumple.

“Now, see how nice it makes you feel to bring a little happiness into someone else’s life?”

The Deveel bares his teeth in a silent snarl, then heads off down the bar to tend to the growin’ number of shouters.

“Well, that didn’t take long,” I sez, lookin’ at the stairs where Tananda and Junebug have vanished.

“Not surprising, really,” Nunzio sez with a leer. “I mean, how long would you dawdle around if Tananda invited you into her room?”

If you surmise from this that I have not given my cousin a complete account of my meetin’ with Tananda, you are correct. I decide to change the subject.

“One question, cousin.” I sez, takin’ a sip of my drink. “How are we supposed to know when to intrude on the proceedin’s?”

“I dunno, I guess we wait until we hear Tananda start callin’ for help.”

I swivel my head around and stare at him.

“Nunzio,” I sez, “has it occurred to you that with the racket goin’ on down here, she can shoot off a cannon and we won’t be able to hear her?”

This brings a scowl to his face.

“Good point,” he sez, borrowin’ a sip from my drink.

“Good point? Is that all you got to say?” I am startin’ to get worked up now. “What do you think is gonna happen if we miss our cue and don’t break things up?”

“Hmmm … well, if we don’t rescue her, then Tananda’s gonna have to deal with Junebug herself.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert