M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

“Not really,” the officer sez, absentminded-like. “If anything, they’re going smoother.”

“Excuse me? … sir?”

“What? Oh,” he sez, returnin’ his concentration to the situational at hand. “Well, I probably shouldn’t say anything, but since you already know some of the personalities involved …”

He pauses to glance around like someone might be loiterin’ among the stacks of paper … which considerin’ their height is a real possibility.

“If you know General Badaxe, then you probably already know that while he is a more than adequate leader, he is rather inflexible in his attitudes as to how things should be done. That is, he wants things done his way, whether there is a better way of doing things or not.”

This description sounds like everyone in the army I’ve met above the rank of corporal, but I content myself with noddin’ in agreement.

“Well, a lot of us officers who came on board during the current expansion drive originally served under Big Julie back when he led the invasion of Possiltum. In some ways it’s nice because it guaranteed us rank in the Possiltum army, but it also means we know there are other ways of doing things than the way General Badaxe wants … lots better ways. The trouble is, until now we haven’t been able to implement any changes or improvements without disobeying orders from the general.”

“And now?” I urge, not even botherin’ to add a “sir” to it.

“Now, with the general ‘indisposed,'” the officer smiles, gettin’ a little lost in his own thoughts, “we’re left pretty much on our own, Which means we get to do things our way for a change. If Badaxe stays out of our hair for another few weeks, we should have this army whipped into shape so we can really get down to business. I’ll tell you, serving under Big Julie might have been a pain from time to time, but that man sure knows how to run an army. I wonder how he’s doing now that he’s retired?”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert