M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

Now, just because Nunzio and me is big guys what get our way by tossin’ our weight around does not mean we are particularly tolerant of anyone else who does the same thing.

“We figured you guys would talk to us when you were good and ready and not before,” Nunzio sez, gettin’ to his feet. “You got a problem with that?”

“Oh yeah?” the guy hollers, goin’ nose to nose with Nunzio. “Well for your information, we’ll talk when we’re good and … and … oh. Yeah.”

It takes a little doin’, but I manage to hide my smile. This guy is already at a disadvantage in the negotiations, as my cousin has beaten him to his own punch line. Havin’ lost the edge in the bluster department, he retreats to his secondary defense of indifference.

“We … ah … heard around that you guys was lookin’ for some civilian transport, so we thought we’d drop by and see what the score was for ourselves.”

“The stuff’s over there on the loadin’ dock.” I sez, jerkin’ a thumb in the appropriate direction. “And here’s the list of where it’s supposed to go. Bill us.”

I nod to Bee, who hands the guy the papers for the shipments we have selected. Like I say, we’d been expecting them.

The guy looks at the list he’s holdin’ like if s a road kill.

“Just like that, huh?” he sneers. “Don’t you wanna talk about our haulin’ rates?”

“No need for that,” I shrugs. “I’m sure you’ll charge us a fair price.”

“You are?” he sez, squintin’ suspicious-like.

“Sure,” I sez, givin’ him my best collection agent’s smile, “especially seein’ as how the rates is gonna be reviewed … and if they look outta line, there’s gonna be an investigation,”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert