M.Y.T.H. Inc In Action by Robert Asprin

My personal favorite was when we sent several cases of Propaganda Leaflets to an outfit that was desperately askin’ for toilet paper. It seemed somehow appropriate to me.

Like I say, it was a lot of fun … so much fun, in fact, I had a sneaky feelin’ that it couldn’t last. As it turned out, I was right.

The end of the festivities came when I got an order to report to our commandin’ officer.

“Stand easy, Sergeant Guido. I’ve just been reviewing your unit’s efficiency rating, and from what I’m seeing, it looks like it’s time we had a talk.”

I am more puzzled than nervous at this, as we have not been forwardin’ the required copies of our paperwork … mostly because we have not been fillin’ out the required paperwork at all. This is confirmed by the officer’s next words.

“It seems your squad is not overly fond of filling out the supply forms required by regulations, sergeant.”

“Well, sir, we’ve been pretty busy tryin’ to learn the routine. I guess we’ve gotten a little behind in our reports.”

“‘A little behind’ hardly describes it,” he sez, tightenin’ his lips a little. “I can’t seem to find a single form from your supply depot since you took over. No matter, though. Fortunately there is sufficient cross-reporting to give me an idea of your progress.”

This makes me a little uneasy, as we have figured there would be several rounds of requests and admonishments on our negligent paperwork performance before any attention was paid to the actual performance of our jobs. Still, as I am not totally unaccustomed to havin’ to explain my actions to assorted authority figures, I have my alibis ready to go.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert