“And the only reason she told the women in the palace about birth control was because I ordered her to,” Byrnhil inserted defiantly. “Some women would like to learn how to prevent conception.”

Sigtrygg barreled forward in anger at Byrnhil’s challenge, and hostile murmurings rippled through the crowd. “Remove thyself, woman,” Sigtrygg ordered sternly.

Brynhil could see she wasn’t helping Ruby, and she walked silently to the back of the tent.

Dar stepped up to the front and intervened, hoping to swing the crowd back to a more sympathetic mood. “The wench claims to be the granddaughter of Hrolf, The Marcher. Can we punish her on so little evidence without checking her claim first?”

Olaf, Aud and Gyda spoke then, telling of their associations with Ruby and convictions that she was just misguided in her words and actions, no real danger.

“I trust her with my daughters and would not do so if she were a spy,” Gyda declared with fierce loyalty.

God bless her Viking soul, Ruby prayed.

Finally, Thork cleared his voice to speak. When he stepped to the center of the tent, the silence of the crowd bespoke the respect he garnered. His proud stance was that of an authority figure used to having his opinions valued.

“The wench has been my responsibility, thanks to your orders, Sigtrygg,” Thork explained in a clear, articulate voice directed at the king, “and a bedeviling one, at that.” He grinned ruefully at Ruby in memory of just how outrageous some of her actions had been, then went on, “Whilst her background is still a mystery to me, I believe she merely suffers an ague of the mind.”

An ague of the mind! Give me a break!

Once again, Ruby had to clench her fists and press her nails painfully into her palms to restrain her temper, but her flashing eyes told Thork just what she thought of his gue of the mind.

“I disbelieve she spies. ‘Twas proven when we captured and killed two true spies from Ivar,” Thork continued, addressing his comments to the noble Viking jury in true lawyerly fashion. He breathed deeply and concluded, “I would ask that the assembly absolve Ruby of all charges.”

“And do what with her?” Sigtrygg asked indignantly. I want naught of her in Jorvik, spreading her tales, riling the women to trouble.” He threw his last words at Byrnhil who stood stubbornly in the background.

Thork’s face flushed at the question. Obviously, he didn’t think that her future, beyond this trial, was his continuing responsibility, Ruby realized painfully. He seemed to deliberate his next words carefully before speaking. “Perchance, if she were released, she could make her way back to her own country or to Hrolf in Normandy on a trading vessel. I would be willing to pay her fare.”

There was much questioning and discussion back and forth among the jarls on the platform. The free men on the grass clamored to offer their opinions, as well. Finally, the law speaker raised both arms in the air for silence.

“These are the issues to be decided here today: Is Ruby Jordan guilty of spying for our enemies? Is the spreading of birth control information a crime under our law codes? Should the accused’s alleged kinship with Hrolf be at issue here?” Assen inhaled deeply and said loudly in a typical court crier voice, “Hear ye, good Norsemen all, what be your verdict?”

“Chop off ‘er head,” one man in the crowd yelled.

Ruby cringed. So quickly, they were back to that decapitation stuff.

“Cut out ‘er tongue,” another advised.

“Torture ‘er till she confesses.” On and on the vile suggestions went, to Ruby’s dismay.

When everyone finished voicing an opinion, the speaker called for a vote. On the first charge of spying for Ivar, the assembly could not come to a majority opinion. They agreed to come back to that charge after discussing the others.

On the second question—whether her birth control lectures constituted a crime—Ruby was found innocent, though a fine was assessed for poor judgment and to discourage her from repeating the same mistake.

“I have no money to pay the fine,” Ruby said. “All I have is this.” She handed the law speaker her pendant.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra