“Aren’t you hungry?” Poppa asked gently, jarring Ruby’s thoughts back to the present and the food she pushed around her plate with a small knife.

“No.” Ruby tried not to be rude to Poppa. The dear lady tried so hard to ride the fence between her and Hrolf. She reminded her a lot of Aud.

Aud! She hadn’t thought of her and Dar in ages. Ruby wondered how Tykir was getting on in Aud’s household. And Eirik? Would Thork and Elise visit Eirik at Athelstan’s palace? On their honeymoon? Would they have a baby together, despite Thork’s intentions to the contrary? Were they making love at that very moment?

Oh, God! Ruby closed her eyes on a silent moan of anguish.

“Ruby, why do you weep? You must put Thork behind you. ‘Tis time to—”

Poppa’s words broke off as a young hesir burst into the hall and ran toward the high table, gasping for breath. Without waiting for permission to speak, he burst out, “Hundreds of armed men come in ships bearing the colors of Thork and his grandfather Dar.”

Pandemonium broke out.

Hrolf and all the men in the great hall jumped up, grabbed whatever weapons were at hand and ran outside to join their own troops. Hrolf directed some men to the walls, others to follow him to the gate.

Distraught, Ruby rushed to the tower with Poppa and her ladies to watch. In a field outside the keep, Thork and Hrolf stood arguing, arms gesticulating. Dar held back at least four hundred men, and an equal number of fierce warriors lined up behind Hrolf.

Finally Thork, Selik, Dar and a handful of other leaders headed toward the manor with Hrolf, while the troops set up a campsite in the distance.

“What’s happening?” Ruby asked Poppa.

“I have no idea, but at least they do not fight. ‘Tis a good sign.”

Hrolf sent a message ordering Ruby and Poppa to stay out of sight, but before they went back to the solar, Ruby got a quick look at Thork’s stormy face. He was probably furious over his ill-treatment by Hrolf and had returned for revenge. Still, it was wonderful to see him again.

For hours Ruby and Poppa fidgeted nervously, trying futilely to work on a tapestry. Finally Poppa sent a servant to see if she could overhear anything in the hall.

“They negotiate a marriage contract fer her,” the wide-eyed thrall reported when she returned, pointing to Ruby.

“For me? With whom?” Ruby gasped. She turned to Poppa. “Hrolf threatened to find a husband for me, but why would he discuss it with Dar and Thork?”

“Nay, you mistake my meaning. ‘Tis the master Thork fer you,” the maid interrupted.

Ruby and Poppa inhaled sharply and looked at each other in mutual incredulity. Poppa urged the maid to go on.

” ‘Twould seem the Saxon maid Elise cried off onct she learnt that her betrothed traveled here to Normandy with Ruby. Elise bade her father make other marriage arrangements fer her. Sore mad, Dar sez she was. Thork should have wed the maid afore setting sail, the girl’s father said.”

Ruby smiled widely and hugged Poppa. “And now Thork wants to marry me?”

“Well, not quite,” the servant said. ” ‘Tis more like he wants the master, Hrolf, ter send men ter protect his grandfather’s lands in payment fer jailin’ him. And he blames you fer losin’ the Saxon maid and the protection of Dar’s neighbors.”


“Now, Ruby, a few hours ago you would have given anything to have Thork back,” Poppa chided. “Do not be waspish over the details. And best you pray Hrolf will agree. Sore mad he is at being bested by Thork.”

But Hrolf did agree, to Ruby’s immense satisfaction, although no one seemed happy with the marriage pact. Hrolf begrudged the fighting men he would have to pledge to Dar and the son of his hated enemy, Harald. Thork balked at a forced marriage and the vast number of gifts Hrolf demanded for Ruby’s dower. And Ruby wasn’t so happy that all these plans were being made without her being present.

Regardless, Thork was a glorious sight to Ruby when she walked uncertainly into the hall. Wearing the blue cloak she’d made for him, Thork sat talking in a leisurely fashion with Hrolf, Selik and his grandfather. He stood immediately when he saw her approach and held out his left hand. She took it gladly and twined her fingers intimately with his, then looked up shyly for some message in his stern face.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra