So why did the thought bother her so much? Why did her eyes linger on the well-developed muscles in his forearms and thighs as he brushed away pieces of the clinging straw?

And buns! He had the cutest backside she’d seen outside of a magazine centerfold, Ruby thought irrelevantly as she watched him stride out of the room. Boy, could she picture him in a pair of tight jeans!

Ruby realized then that Dar watched her closely and seemed to know just what part of Thork’s anatomy she’d been ogling. With a knowing grin, he raised a hand to halt her next words.

“Do not think to deny what I just witnessed. An old man I may be, but not yet in my dotage when it comes to recognizing that certain look in a woman’s eye.” Chuckling, he bid her follow him downstairs, where the servant Ella had been given permission by Thork to take her to a nearby pond for a bath—under guard, of course. Wonderful! How did Thork know she craved a bath? Probably because she stank like a pig after three days without soap and water.

“Dar, am I no longer under suspicion now that the hesir confessed to spying for Ivar?”

“Nay. We still trust you not. ‘Tis even possible that the spy worked with you, though I misdoubt it. ‘Twill be for the Althing to decide.”

“Do you really believe I could be a spy?”

“A stranger in our lands who cannot account for her background is suspicious enough in times when danger lurks in every corner. Not only must Thork worry about the danger from his half-brother Eric or from enemies who would kidnap those he cherishes for ransom, but the Saxons merely bide their time until the right moment for attack.

“Then you made matters even worse with that birth-control nonsense you introduced to the women. Thor’s blood! ‘Twas a stupid move on your part if you are, in truth, a spy.”

“I’ve tried to tell the truth, but no one believes me.”

“Tell me naught of the future again, lass. I will hear naught of it. Take care, though. I tell you true—the only thing that will save you at the Althing is protection by a powerful Viking man. Since that appears nigh impossible at this point, you best pray to that Christian God of yours that they believe you are kin to Hrolf.”

Dar’s words of warning remained with Ruby as she and Ella walked to the pond just beyond the manor keep, followed by Vigi who looked left and right for possible intruders.

“By the saints, I ne’er thought to see you alive after you went to the tower,” Ella exclaimed as soon as they were out the manor doors. I heard once that a sorceress can put a spell on people so they gotta do her will. That mus’ be it. A sorceress you are. How else could you have escaped bein’ kilt so many a time?”

“Oh, good heavens, Rhoda… I mean, Ella, don’t even think to mention the name sorceress in connection with me, or they really will kill me, especially that Sigtrygg.”

Chapter Eleven

The spring-fed pond nestled in a secluded little oasis, hidden from the keep by a strand of trees. The bossy Ella ordered Vigi to go to the edge of the clearing and make sure he kept his back turned. Then she perched on a flat boulder, refusing to enter the water with Ruby.

“Are you daft? There was a girl onct who took too many baths and her skin shriveled up so bad it never got smooth agin. ‘Tis not good to be so clean, poisons the blood, it does. Why, I even…”

Ruby let Ella ramble on as she lingered almost an hour in the soothing water. She scrubbed her hair and body over and over to remove the grime.

The servants were setting up the evening meal when Ruby returned to the manor. Aud told her that the tower room had been cleaned for her continued use but that she would be expected downstairs in the hall for dinner.

“Where are Eirik and Tykir?” Ruby asked, suddenly realizing she hadn’t seen them since their arrival here several days ago, not even in the hall at mealtimes.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra