“Ruby, this is not what I had in mind when I agreed to trade some of your lingerie products,” Thork said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I enjoy being married to you. It pleases me immensely to imagine you waiting for me in our own home each night when I return from my business dealings or when I arrive home after a voyage. I picture Eirik and Tykir at your side. My heart fills at the thought. How would you have time for all those things if you were busy running your own business affairs?”

Thork expected Ruby to be pleased with the soft words he had taken such pains to form. Instead, she lashed out, “You male chauvinist pig! I can’t believe this! It’s Jack all over again!”

“Jack, Jack, Jack! I am sick of the man’s name.”

Ruby glared at him and ran from the room.

Thork did not understand. Most women would be pleased that a man cherished them so well that they would not have to drudge. He decided to seek his grandfather’s advice, but that was not necessary. Dar rushed toward him, telling him, “Come quickly.” He pulled Thork into a private chamber.

Dar was extremely agitated, and he clutched a small parcel in his hand tightly. His fingers shook.

“What is it?” Thork asked, worried by the intensity of his grandfather’s fear.

” ‘Tis Ivar!” he choked out. “He kidnapped Eirik and asks for ransom.” He handed Thork the linen-wrapped package. “Oh, Thork, I would spare you this pain if I could.”

Thork’s heart hammered loudly as he unrolled the cloth. A small finger fell out. A thousand explosions went off in his head, and he had to hold on to a chair for support. Closing his eyes tightly on the pain, he whispered, “Do not tell Ruby. It would kill her. Whatever you do, she must not know.”

* * *

Ruby was in an absolute rage. It wasn’t so much the lingerie business. Even though she’d stormed away from Thork, she was sure they could work all that out somehow, but now Thork came to their chamber and told her coldly that he was going to Jomsborg immediately, that he’d been summoned for some mission. Worst of all, he wouldn’t take her with him. She must go back to Northumbria with Dar.

“No! I want to go with you,” she cried, while Thork hastily threw his clothing and personal belongings in his leather bag. “Please,” she begged, seeing the unbending look on Thork’s face. “I’m sorry I argued about the lingerie company. Don’t leave me, not now. I can’t bear it again.”

Thork turned and took her by both shoulders, forcing her to look him in the eyes. They were a cold, desolate blue which frightened Ruby.

“I love you, sweetling. Remember that. Always.”

He kissed her with an odd desperation and held her tightly for a long moment. When he pulled back, he scrutinized her face, as if memorizing its features. And Ruby could swear she saw tears in his harsh, warrior’s eyes. What was happening here? And why so quickly?

“Go with Dar back to Northumbria,” he told her implacably. “Wait for me there with Tykir.” He choked on the last words.

Then he really frightened her when he added, “And, Ruby, something else. Pray for… me.”

On those ominous words, he left her standing open-mouthed in their chamber. Once she realized he was actually going, Ruby ran after him, down the steps and out to the bailey. He and several dozen men sat on horses talking to Hrolf while half of the armed men they’d brought with them were heading toward the ships.

I will dispatch two hundred men as soon as you send word of your whereabouts,” Hrolf promised. “May God and Odin go with you.”

Thork turned to Dar. “You will return to Northumbria immediately?” At his nod, Thork went on, ” ‘Tis unwise to leave your lands so unprotected. I will send word as soon as possible. Godspeed, Grandfather.”

Thork saw her then, standing in the background with tears streaming down her face, reeling under the shock of disbelief that he was abandoning her. A muscle flickered beside the thin line of his tight lips as he maneuvered his horse through the people toward her. He leaned down and lithely pulled her up in front of him on the saddle.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra