” ‘Twould be sufficient,” he concluded after examining it carefully for its value. He handed it to Sigtrygg, who turned bright red with rage.

“That belongs to me,” Sigtrygg yelled at Ruby.

“No! You gave it to me and I gave it to Ruby.” Byrnhil contradicted him, coming forward once again.

Sigtrygg looked as if he’d like to throttle Byrnhil. “Shut your teeth, woman, lest I bring you afore this assembly for theft and aiding a spy. You overstep yourself mightily.” Sigtrygg sat back down, seething as he glared alternately at his mistress and Ruby.

Uh oh! Things were not looking good.

On the next question, of Ruby’s relationship to Hrolf, her supporters’ arguments convinced the assembly that the possible blood ties were worth investigating.

Brynhil sidled up to the king and whispered something in his ear. Thork looked at Ruby suspiciously, as if she and Brynhil conspired together. Finally, seeming to be fed up with the proceedings, Sigtrygg pulled away from his mistress and announced dogmatically, “I suggest the woman Ruby Jordan be taken under guard to Hrolf’s court in Normandy. If ’tis found she has lied, that will be taken as evidence that she had evil intents here in Jorvik—whether for Ivar or the Saxons or some other enemy—and she is to be beheaded on the spot. She is not to be brought back here for further trial.”

“What say you to King Sigtrygg’s suggestion?” the law speaker called out to the entire assembly, now restless after a long day of hearings and anxious to begin the evening’s entertainment.

Ruby crossed her fingers and said a silent prayer of hope.

The assembly agreed overwhelmingly, by voice and the loud clanging of battle shields, to the king’s solution, then stood to depart the Thing area. It happened so quickly that it took Ruby a few moments to realize that the Vikings had essentially found her innocent, at least for the time being. A thankful smile began to split her face, and she turned to share her happiness with Thork.

But Thork didn’t look happy at all. A frown creased his forehead, and his perplexed gaze darted from Ruby to Brynhil to the king and back again. “Wait!” Thork raised his voice, calling to Sigtrygg’s departing back, “I understand naught of your intent. What exactly happens to the wench now?”

King Sigtrygg stretched his massive frame and yawned hugely before turning to Thork and smiling craftily. “Why, ’tis simple. You will take her to Normandy, and you will behead her if she is not granddaughter to The Marcher.”

Chapter Sixteen

“Nay, I cannot do such,” Thork shouted, not caring if it was his king he addressed. “I go to Jomsborg.” His eyes blazed furiously.

“You can take the wench on the way to Jomsborg,” Sigtrygg advised unctuously, his face rigid at Thork’s questioning of his orders.

“On the way… on the way… ,” Thork sputtered. “Normandy is nowhere near the route to Jomsborg.”

“I trust you, Thork, more than any other to undertake this task for me,” the king cajoled.

“What makes you think I would behead the wench?” Thork asked, running his fingers through his hair. “I have already said I do not think her a spy.” He flashed Ruby a quick look that said he would have plenty to say to her when he finished with the king.

“Yea, but that signifies naught. You cherish honor more than aught else. If Hrolf denies her, you would kill her if you had sworn me your pledge. Of that, I am certain.”

Thork snorted rudely at the blatant trickery in Sigtrygg’s oily words.

“Oh, and didst I mention,” Sigtrygg added, coolly examining his fingernails, “you will represent me at Athelstan’s coronation.”

Thork turned dark red as he cursed wildly.

“Do not think to say me nay on this,” Sigtrygg said in a steely voice that bespoke his rigid determination. “You know well and good you are the only Viking who knows his way round the Saxon court well enough to avoid a knife in the back.”

Thork’s eyes shot rebellious daggers at his king, but Sigtrygg faced him off stubbornly, with arms folded implacably over his mountainous chest. The retainer of royal bodyguards moved forward in a line behind Sigtrygg, daring Thork to defy the orders.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra