I will find someone to do these duties for you,” Thork offered. “Mayhap Olaf could—”

“Nay! I cannot,” Olaf asserted loudly, affronted that Thork would throw him this unwelcome task. “Wife and family have I who need me here in Jorvik.”

“And I have a Jomsviking oath which I have ignored for two years.”

“Do you refuse my request?” Sigtrygg asked Thork bluntly.

“Can we discuss it further?” Thork evaded.

“Were you not the man who convinced me of the importance of a marriage alliance with Athelstan?”

“Yea, but—”

“Can you name one man who could carry out my orders as well as you?”

Thork thought for a moment. Then his eyes narrowed as he turned with deliberation. “Yea, my scheming grandfather could do the job very well. He has met both King Athelstan and Hrolf afore.”

Aud gasped and turned in outrage on her grandson. “For shame, Thork! Ne’er did I think you would do such to us.”

“You know I will be needed to protect my lands once the Saxons attack,” Dar said icily.

“You are right,” Thork said sheepishly. “I apologize. In my anger, I did not think.”

Dar and Aud nodded, accepting his apology.

“Well? What say you?” Sigtrygg asked Thork once again. “Enough time have we all wasted on this wench, and I mislike your churlish attitude. Thor’s blood! Surely one more month will not signify in your return to Jomsborg.”

“So be it then,” Thork conceded ungraciously. He started to storm away, then stopped abruptly in front of Ruby. Piercing her with icy blue eyes, he pointed a finger at her chest menacingly and stalked her as she backed away from him. ” ‘Tis your fault. You will rue the day you ever met me, wench.”

Things were not going as Ruby had hoped. She should be deliriously happy. She had at least another month with Thork. Why couldn’t he share her good fortune? She tried to apologize. “I’m sorry, Thork. I never meant to be so much trouble to you.”

He said a very, very foul word.

“Thork, I—”

“Nay, speak not your lies,” Thork continued. ” ‘Twas what you and Brynhil planned these four days past whilst you whispered and twittered like busy birds. You win, wench, but hold on to your tempting backside because you will pay well and good for each and eVery day you have delayed my departure.” For emphasis, he whacked her sharply on the rear, laughing mirthlessly, then motioned for Dar to join him.

While he waited, Thork derisively mimicked her apology aloud in a falsely feminine voice, “I never meant to be so much trouble to you.”

Ruby couldn’t believe she’d escaped Sigtrygg’s bloody temper once again, only to have her exultation over her death reprieve cut off by Thork’s resentment.

Thork soon gave Ruby another reason to feel less than exultant. As she and Aud walked behind the men back to their tents, Thork told his grandfather with tired, but resolute, resignation, “If you think a marriage alliance with Elise would protect your holdings while I am gone, begin the betrothal negotiations.” He ignored Ruby’s gasp of hurt surprise.

“What?” Dar exclaimed. “I understand naught of your change of heart, boy. Why would you suddenly agree to marry when you have been so strongly opposed afore?”

“These past four days, as we have talked to our friends who live closer to the Wessex border, you and I have been given more than enough evidence that Athelstan plays a deadly game. He will attack at the first sign of weakness. We must do everything we can to protect ourselves.”

“Even if it means your marrying?”

“Even that,” he said, his lip curling with distaste.

“Well, the maid’s father did promise arms and men to aid us if there were a marriage pact. Mayhap a betrothal contract would suffice for now. Could we have the signing afore you depart?”

Thork nodded grimly. “Her brothers are in camp. We can send word to her father today and perchance have the signing on the morrow.” Thork pulled at his lower lip thoughtfully. “I will not give up Jomsviking. Think you the maid would accept that?”

“Hah! Little say she would have in the matter!”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra