“In the stables,” Aud replied. “They sleep there and eat in the kitchen with the servants.”

“But how can you stand to see your own grandsons live such a life?”

For a split second, Aud’s composure weakened, but then she straightened. “Do not think to question what is naught of your affair.” She walked straight-backed to the kitchen area, summoning Ella to follow her.

Ruby decided to seek out the boys before the evening meal. Vigi followed but didn’t try to stop her. Cold, suspicious eyes followed Ruby wherever she walked. The hesirs, bonders, freedmen and even thralls, who worked diligently at assigned tasks, would clearly kill her on the spot if given the choice. The spy’s confession had done nothing to lessen her guilt in their eyes.

Ruby entered the stable, where she eventually found Tykir grooming a gray pony.

“Hello, Tykir.”

“Ruby!” At first, Tykir’s eyes lighted up with welcome, but then he shadowed them carefully. Even he must have been told to distrust the strange woman who might be the enemy.

“What is your horse’s name?”

“He has none.” Tykir looked surprised. “Should he have?”

“Well, not everybody names their horse, but I thought since this one seems so special to you it ought to have a name.”

“Could we name him?” he asked shyly.

“Of course. Can you think of any names that you like?” He shook his head sadly, as if he must be lacking in some important way.

“Well, my boys never had a horse—”

“They never had a horse? Ever?” To Tykir, that appeared to be the ultimate loss in the world.

“Never, but they had pet dogs. Let me think. Over the years, there were Rover, Morris, Nellie and Elvis.”

“Elvis,” Tykir whispered in awe. ” ‘Tis a wondrously fine name, think you not?”

Oh, no! This was one place Elvis followers would never expect a sighting, Ruby thought, stifling a laugh. Tykir’s emotions were so open and vulnerable. The little stinker looked as if he hadn’t bathed in days. His blond hair, so like his father’s, stuck out in greasy spikes as he gazed hopefully up at her. Ruby felt her heart expand and fill with warmth. How could Thork and Dar and Aud bear to neglect such a dear little soul?

“I think Elvis would be a wonderful name,” she declared, and was rewarded with a grateful smile.

“Why is your hair wet?” Tykir asked.

“I was swimming in the pond. Have you been there?”

He nodded. “But I cannot swim. Father… I mean, Thork… is gonna teach me someday, but he mus’ go Jomsviking soon.” He raised his chin defiantly, his voice quivering with unshed tears “Someday I will be a Jomsviking, too. Then I kin be with my… with Thork… as much as I want.”

One more bone Ruby had to pick with Thork, she thought. “Does Eirik want to be a Jomsviking also?”

“Nay, he dreams of being a fosterling at the Saxon court, like Uncle Haakon, who is of the same age,” Tykir said with distaste, scrunching up his nose. “He sez we Vikings mus’ learn the Saxon way to survive in their lands.” Tykir blushed and looked down sheepishly then, as if he knew he’d said too much.

“Does his father know of this wish?”

“Nay, Eirik could ne’er tell him that.”

This whole situation of separating parent and child was ridiculous, in Ruby’s opinion. No, more than that, it was destructive, and she vowed to do something about it. Ruby knew she would have to employ tact in persuading Thork to act the true father to his sons—even if it meant giving up his precious Jomsviking oath, even if it meant moving to a new land. Even if it meant Thork’s taking her with him—if that’s what it would take to escape this dangerous nightmare, Ruby vowed.

But Ruby became increasingly alarmed the next few days as the Althing approached and Thork accelerated his activities related to his departure for Jomsborg. What would happen to her at the Viking-style court? If the venomous looks she got from Dar’s knights and workers were any indication, her fate loomed bleak. All free males in Northumbria, including these very men, could vote at the open-air assembly.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra