“Even if they agree to a betrothal, it may be two years afore I could return for the wedding, but that should be no hindrance. Elise is only fifteen—a child.”

“You always said you wanted no children or family to tempt your brother Eric’s blade.”

“And still do not. I swear by Thor’s sword, there will be no other child of my loins born into this world,” Thork exclaimed vehemently. “But say naught of that to them for now. As for Elise, she has five brothers and a powerful father to protect her from Eric. My brother is no fool. He chooses his victims well. Leastways, he will know from my long absences how little affection I harbor for my wife. She will be safe, I warrant.”

” ‘Tis a cold man you have become, Thork.”

” ‘Tis a cold world in which I live, Grandfather.”

Colder than both of you can ever imagine, Ruby thought, as tears streamed down her face on overhearing their chilling words. If Thork married another woman, there could be no future with her. It didn’t matter if he loved Elise or not. She could not have a relationship with Thork, of any kind, when he was bound to another woman.

Oh, Lord! Ruby cried inwardly as her heart seemed to splinter into a million shards. Thork was truly lost to her now.

Ruby tried to approach Thork several times that evening, but he flatly refused to listen. Brynhil had already spoken with him after the Thing, and presumably he now directed his blame for his missions to Kingston and Normandy on the king, not a conspiracy between her and Brynhil. But he still raged over her interfering in his life and causing him unnecessary delays. His final words to her were, “You will pay good and true for every piddling prick of annoyance you have caused in my life, wench. I will have one month to enact vengeance, and I plan to use every bloody minute of it.”

Ruby didn’t ask what kind of punishment he had in mind. She really didn’t need anything else to worry about right now.

Late that night, after bolstering her courage with a cup of red wine, Ruby crept into Thork’s tent, needing to talk about the most important thing troubling her—his betrothal to Elise.

“What?” Thork jumped from a sound sleep when Ruby crept up to his sleeping furs. Pushing her aside, Thork stood and lit a candle. “Get the bloody hell out of my tent,” he seethed. “I swear I will sell Vigi on the morrow for his continual lapses in guarding you.”

“Thork, just give me one minute. Then I promise I’ll leave quietly.”

He turned, and Ruby inhaled sharply. The flickering light played shadow games on his almost nude, magnificent body as he confronted her, dressed in only a loincloth sort of garment.

“Spit it out, Ruby,” he growled. “Elise and her family will be here in the morn to sign the betrothal contract. Wouldst you have her balk afore the deed is done because of the scandal you might cause in my bed furs?”

He thought she had come to seduce him again, Ruby realized. She felt her face flame, then quickly tried to correct his misconception. “Thork, that’s just why I’ve come. You can’t marry Elise, not after—”

In two long steps, Thork was in front of her, breathing heavily with frustrated anger. Ruby closed her eyes for a second at the heady intoxication of his body heat and his skin’s healthy sleep scent.

“Yea, best you close your eyes and pray, wench,” Thork gritted out as he grabbed her by the upper arms and lifted her off her feet so her face was level with his. “Mark my words well, the betrothal will take place on the morrow. Nothing you say can change that.”

“But, Thork, I love you,” she whimpered, her feet dangling above the ground. “I know you… care for me, too. How can you possibly marry someone else?”

“Woman, you overreach yourself,” he replied icily. “When have I ever promised marriage to you? Never! In fact, over and over have I told you that it would never happen. And love? Hah! ‘Tis the least of my concerns.”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra