Holding her eyes, Thork lifted her above him and lowered her onto his manhood, which had hardened again on their soft caresses and sweet words. When she straddled him, forging their bodies as one with her heat, Thork rasped out, I love you, sweetling.”

“Again,” Ruby demanded as she moved on him.

I love you, sweetling.”

“Again,” she gasped as Thork took hold of her hips and set his own rhythm.

“I… love… you… ah!… no, do not stop… yes, there… I… love… ,” he jerked out brokenly.

To the tune of those whispered words and others, said over and over between them, Ruby and Thork pledged a love for each other that they swore would never end.

I will love you till I die,” Thork swore on one long, slow endless stroke that ended with her keening wail and his low, prolonged, throat-wrenched growl.

“Thork, wait a minute. I need to… I… oh oh oh!… I can’t stand any more . . please,” Ruby said brokenly as each of his deep thrusts took her to a new plane of mounting tension.

“Rube!” Thork exclaimed softly when he reached his shuddering peak. “We can make it work!”

Jack’s words! Ruby blinked dazedly, not sure if it was Thork or Jack who spoke the familiar words to her. Truly, she no longer knew or cared. Fate had put her in this time and place. Surely, this man was her destiny. On that hazy thought, Ruby snuggled closer in Thork’s embrace and fell into a deep sleep.

They awoke at dawn to a loud pounding, followed by the harsh noise of wood splintering as Hrolf’s massive frame broke through the locked door. Three armed retainers and Poppa followed him into the room.

Their naked bodies told a story that inflamed Hrolf. He spit out a string of expletives, then snarled, “You bloody bastard! You are Harald’s son through and through. Stand so I can put a knife through your traitorous heart.”

“No!” Ruby screamed, and stood with a fur wrapped around her nakedness. “Don’t hurt him. He came because I wanted him here.”

“Do you stand behind maids now in cowardice?” Hrolf taunted Thork.

“Nay, I do not!” Thork stood, uncaring of his nudity. The three guards grabbed his arms and held his struggling body in place with his arms pinioned behind his back. Hrolf drew a long-handled knife.

Poppa pulled at Hrolf’s arm, trying to intercede. “They love each other. Do not do this thing. For my sake, if not for your new granddaughter’s, spare him.”

The muscles in Hrolf’s face were rigid with the self-control he could barely exert. Ruby knew he would just as well kill Thork, but in deference to Poppa he offered grudgingly, “Will you marry my granddaughter if we bring the priest now?”

Thork’s eyes turned bleak. “I cannot. Honor-bound am I to Elise.” He looked at Ruby sadly and implored, “Please understand. I would if I could.”

Poppa pleaded with Hrolf once again, “Do not let your temper rule. Wait till the bloodlust settles.”

Hrolf’s angry eyes impaled Thork, but he finally turned to Poppa. “For your sake, I will delay my rage.” He told his retainers, “rake him to the guardroom and secure him well until I decide his fate. And someone find that whoreson Selik and bring him to my chamber. The lusty rogue is probably plowing one of my daughters.”

Ruby wept and pleaded for Thork’s release after they took him away, but Hrolf shrugged her off coldly. “You shame me, wench. Heed me well, if there is a babe bred on you already, you will have a husband—be it Thork or a stableboy.”

Ruby had no idea what Hrolf said to Selik in his chamber, but the angry shouts could be heard throughout the keep. Selik left the castle soon after under armed guard, and no one would tell Ruby where he went. Hrolf refused to speak with Ruby and banished her to her rooms, under double guard. He suspected, rightly so, that she would try to release Thork. Ruby didn’t know if they tortured Thork, or if he was even alive. She feared that Hrolf looked at Thork as a means of finally avenging himself on King Harald.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra