“I think you will not succeed,” Aud said gently, placing a comforting hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “In some ways, ’tis too bad. We need him here to help fight off the Saxons when they eventually come. We have ridden the fence here, adopting Saxon ways, trying to be peaceable neighbors, but ’tis foolish to think they will allow us to keep such valuable land without a fight.”

“Then why doesn’t Thork stay?”

Aud shrugged. ” ‘Tis the Jomsviking. An honorable man does not break oath lightly.”

Disheartened, Ruby sighed. “I’ve set myself an impossible task, haven’t I?”

“Child, even if Thork agreed to give up Jomsviking and stay here, he could not wed you. He would need a wife with lands and the strong hands of her family—fathers and brothers—to join us in alliance.”

Ruby asked hesitantly, “Would kinship with Hrolf bring a strong enough alliance?” What was she saying? How in hell could she get to this ancient ancestor of hers, convince him she truly was his granddaughter “fifty times removed” and then talk him into sending armies from Normandy? Maybe she was becoming as daft as everyone thought.

“Do you tell me true? Are you Hrolf’s kin?” Aud’s face brightened and she clasped Ruby’s hands hopefully.

Ruby put her right hand over her heart. “I swear to you, Aud, on the body of the Christ we both hold dear, I am kin to Hrolf.” She held her left hand behind her back with fingers crossed for her half-truth of omission.

“Mayhap there will be a way out of this, after all,” Aud declared.

Ruby wondered if she’d put her foot in her mouth once again.

Chapter Twelve

“By your leave, my fine lady, I would speak with you in my private chamber,” Dar said several days later with exaggerated politeness.

Ruby looked behind her to make sure he’d been addressing her.

“Yea, I mean you, wench, and make haste.”

He and Thork and Olaf had returned the day before, but Thork parried her overtures to speak with him like a bloody gladiator, while Linette practically purred, ignoring the gossip she’d created by going off with the men.

Ruby followed Dar into the small chamber off the great hall, where he conducted estate business. Seating her in a chair next to his by the small fireplace, Dar spoke his mind bluntly. “Aud would convince me that you are, in truth, kin to Hrolf.” He leaned back in the huge, carved chair, with legs outstretched casually, but his half-veiled eyes twitched nervously as he watched her every move speculatively.

“Hrolf is a direct blood relative of mine.”

“Do you swear it on the holy book of your church?”

“I swear on the Holy Bible that I am kin to Hrolf.”

Dar nodded, seeming to accept her word and weighing the implications. “Have you ever met the Marcher? Would he recognize you?”

Ruby’s shoulders sagged and she shook her head.

Dar gave a short wave of dismissal with the fingers of his right hand, which had been propping up his chin in a thoughtful pose. “Mayhap ’tis of no importance. To be sure, King Harald has more than fifty grandchildren and not met half by far, although only Odin knows how many still live. ‘Tis not unusual that you have not met Hrolf.”

“Why are you asking these questions?”

“Mayhap I would be willing to intercede on your behalf at the Althing if ‘twould help to keep my grandson here in Northumbria.”

“You would help me get Thork to marry me?” Ruby smiled eagerly at the craggy old man.

“Nay, I would not,” Dar snorted. “Thork must needs marry for lands and military might to aid our defense against the Saxons. I have a well-born maid in mind, Elise—half Viking, half Saxon she be—with lands and fighting brothers to dower and protect her in marriage.”

Ruby’s heart dropped at Dar’s pragmatic words. “Then why would you help me?”

“Methinks you would make a fine bedmate for my grandson. I see the attraction you hold for him, though I cannot fathom it myself. Perchance you could entice him to stay.”

“Me? You give me too much credit,” Ruby exclaimed. “Have you seen how he avoids me and allows himself to be ensnared in Linette’s web?”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra