
“That troublemaker Loki must surely love you. He made you a thorn in Thork’s side apurpose, I wager, to punish him for some slight. Prob’ly cuz he has lopped off too many heads. Or broke too many maidenheads.” Ella erupted with a deep belly laugh. At first Ruby glared at her. Then she, too, saw the humor in the situation. By the time they got to the pond, tears of humor streamed down both their faces.

“By the by,” Ella confided later, with a jiggle of her eyebrows, “rumors flew the keep last night of a strange practice being performed in many of the sleeping chambers. Seems maids and matrons alike asked their lovers to send for bowls of water, soft soap and sharp knives.”

“Ella! You’re making that up,” Ruby said with a disbelieving laugh.

“I swear on me eyeballs, ’tis true. Betcha there be lots of knicked legs under ladylike chemises this day.”

“And you’ll be the one to spread gossip about them.”

Not knowing enough to be affronted, Ella concluded, “I tell you this true, my girl, I have not laughed so much in all me life as I have since I met you. I hope they do not chop off yer head.”

Yeah, me, too.

As they walked through the bailey on their return to the castle after her bath, Ruby saw Aud going into the wool shed. She told Ella to go on into the manor, that she needed to talk to her mistress.

Aud looked up from where she was sorting bolts of fabric and took in Ruby’s appearance in a glance, dwelling momentarily on the dark finger marks on her arms and her tear-ridden, sleepless eyes. “It did not go well, I take it.”

Ruby nodded.

Aud touched the purpling bruise of one arm gently. “I have never known Thork to deliberately hurt a woman afore. He must have been sore angry at the words you spoke yestereve before our guests.”

“No, it was something else.”

“Do not tell me,” Aud said with feigned sternness, “though I am dying to know. I have grown fond of you, and ’tis best I do not get involved and be forced to choose sides.”

“You’re a very wise woman, and I like you, as well. Here,” Ruby said, handing her a linen-wrapped package.

Aud took it and raised her eyes questioningly at Ruby.

“It’s a gift for you. I haven’t had a chance to give it to you before this.”

When she opened the package, Aud gasped, then put her hand over her mouth to muffle a giggle. It was a set of blue silk and white lace lingerie.

“Much have I heard about your undergarments,” Aud said, running her fingers over the material admiringly and examining the fine needlework critically. “Do you think I dare to wear such at my age?”

“Of course. My grandmother wore similar lingerie, and she was much older than you. Besides, Dar told me to bring you a set.”

“He did?” Aud’s eyebrows arched in surprise. At Ruby’s nod, she accepted the gift graciously. “Well, then, thank you very much.” She held the panties up against herself shyly. “And you say my husband asked for such frivolous apparel? Hmmm. Tell me, did your grandmother shave her legs, as well?”

“Yes, she did.” Ruby laughed at the Viking woman’s shy curiosity. “But listen, Aud, I need to ask a favor.”

Aud looked at her dubiously, wondering if she’d been hasty in accepting the gift.

“It’s nothing bad.” Ruby pulled the gold chain and emerald pendant over her head and handed it to Aud. “I have no money but I think this is valuable. Could I purchase some things from you with this?”

Aud examined the necklace with appreciation, then asked suspiciously, “What would you want to buy?”

“Fabrics… some silk, laces, whalebone if you have it, a needle, thread, and a few other items. Oh, I also want to prepare some food in the kitchen.”

“Tsk tsk! You have not given up yet, have you, child?” Aud chastised her in a soft-spoken voice.

“How can I? I have everything to gain and nothing to lose.” Ruby shrugged.

“You may have whatever fabrics you need, but this gem is worth much more than the few trifles you mentioned.” She handed it back to Ruby. “Make another set of your lingerie for me. That will be payment enough.”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra