“For me, sweetling?” he asked in a raw, low voice.

Something moved in Ruby there and she felt her face flame. She could only nod mutely.

Thork smiled, well satisfied with her answer, and laid the back of his finger along her cleft. Up and down he rubbed in the groove he created. “Look down,” he urged her huskily. “See how you swell for me, just as my manhood grows for you.”

Ruby glanced down. He was right. Even through the cloth, she could see that her nether lips were engorged and that special bud of sensitivity rose slightly in waiting for his eventual touch. She closed her eyes in delicious anticipation of the pleasure to come.

“Nay, look at me. I want to watch your face when it happens,” he whispered as his forefinger circled the nub, testing its shape and readiness. He flicked the tip of his finger up and down quickly, fascinated as it spasmed against him. Then, in earnest, he strummed it back and forth in ever-increasing rapidity until she groaned and arched her back away from him.

The spasms started small and short in duration. The faster he flicked her, moving the bud from side to side, the harder and longer they got.

“Look at me,” he demanded softly.

When she did, Thork pressed her cleft against his rigid manhood. He bucked against her, and Ruby’s spasms became convulsions of pleasure that spiraled into tiny explosions, shaking her so intensely she cried out his name.

Through the misty glaze of her passion, Ruby watched Thork’s face as he continued to thrust against her. Finally he held her against him tightly, with a hand on each of her buttocks, arched his head back over corded neck muscles and came against her on a drawn-out moan deep in his throat.

Weakly, Ruby lay her head against his chest, trying to get her breathing back to normal. She was too embarrassed to look up and see if her violent reaction amused him, but finally Thork put a finger under her chin and raised her face. She needn’t have been self-conscious. Thork’s flushed face and passion-hazy eyes proved he was just as out-of-control.

“And you say we have done this afore, sweetling? Nay, I do not believe I would ever forget such. Not even in another lifetime.” He nibbled at her ear as he spoke.

“Perhaps not in quite the same way, but, yes, we made love so many times I couldn’t count.” She liked the feel of his hot, whispery kisses on her neck. “Can I get down now?”

“Yea, I would say you earned that boon and more.”

He smiled tenderly. As he lowered her shaky legs to the rush-covered floor, Ruby raised flirting eyes to his. “Maybe by morning we will have awakened some of those memories.” Ruby looked at Thork warmly, knowing without a doubt that she loved him, as completely as she’d ever loved Jack. The self-admission filled her, not with guilt, but an overwhelming feeling of incredible rightness. This was where she was meant to be.

Thork laughed warmly at her last words. ” ‘Tis more likely we will have created new memories to keep me awake during the long winter nights in Jomsborg.”

Ruby’s heart sank at his words. He still intended to leave her behind, even after they’d made love. Well, almost made love. She apparently had a lot more work to do in convincing him to take her with him. Ruby grinned with anticipation at that pleasurable task.

Thork undressed then, while Ruby watched. Something tightened inside Ruby at the sight of his naked body. Broad shoulders, slim waist and hips, and a marble-hard stomach outlined his warrior’s six-foot-three frame. His smile mirrored Jack’s right down to the slightly crooked incisor, but innumerable scars and bruises covered much of his finely honed skin. And his body frame was different from Jack’s. To get this kind of muscular development in the twentieth century would require steroids or hours of daily, concentrated workouts.

Thork winked at her, pleased with her perusal. “Do you like what you see?”

“Sweetheart, you are drop-dead gorgeous.”

“Drop-dead gorgeous? What kind of compliment is that?” he asked with mock indignation.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra